
Showing posts from March, 2020

Rosary Beads by Katherine Lightwood

Rosary Beads By Katherine Lightwood A reconciled pide is thrown away in vain, Lovely it seems, but it made me cry in rain. Life is fading away with the beauty of desire, That desire is simply dressed in a grim attire. Its grimness seemed to tear me apart, Caught by its grace I was ready to be torn apart. Blinded by the faith and blinded by the love, I was praising the Lord who was high up above. Drenched in that love and singing that sweet lore, Poisoning by soul with praises galore. Longing the life, longing that time, Was dancing with ecstasy while singing senseless hymn. Raised high up while hanging down low, Vile thoughts of mine were all that I know. Frozen memories and those fast passing times, I have cherished it and hide it in my rhymes. I am ashamed for celebrating my 'un pious deeds', So I am praying and counting my rosary beads. Katherine Lightwood Follow us on Facebook