Holi Seemed Less Colorful this Time By Rahul Kumar

Holi Seemed Less Colorful this Time

By Rahul Kumar 

Hello, world!! How are you these days?

If you ask me how I am, I will say exhausted. Do you know why? Well, I am getting extra assignments from teacher's and even though it is developing my skills, but it is also wreaking my brain. Spending sleepless nights in my institute doing rotoscope and adding effects to the video, it is actually very tough then I've expected.

But as I am spending more time with myself alone I am discovering myself more and more. I had some advantages and disadvantages of course but who knows I am just going with the flow. The advantage is obviously the self-reflection but disadvantage is that I am kind of slipping into a depression phase, hopefully, it will pass after I complete my assignments.

Now, life seems like black and white. Few month ago, it was like I had been stuck in a grey zone. But I have no idea what happened now, and why things are happening. It feels like I am free and bound at the same time. What is binding me and what is freeing me I have no idea. Sometimes I am utterly scared of the unknown turn my life is taking. If anyone asks me this question that if I am excited about the way my life is going at daytime, then it will be very different from that at night.

Well!! Seems like I got quite carried away with the whole blog thing.

Now, let's discuss the main reason I am here. Miss lightwood has been constantly nagging me to make my blog post, she is completely getting on my nerves. She needs to understand that I am doing a very tough and important job, but you know what, I thought why not give it a try. It will distract my thoughts towards other things a bit, to give a break to my mind and that's what I am doing now. So, let's share some of my thoughts about Holi.

Holi has always been a very special festival for me. Oddly it may sound but this festival has been my main source of inspiration since childhood. The colors and the preparation associated with this festival has always driven me to do lot more creative stuff. A wave of nostalgia always struck me whenever this festival comes near. Since childhood, I have always been this celebrated this festival with all my friends and relatives. But this time I barely think I could make it. I've been drowning in work. But let's see what this festival of happiness brings for me.

So, now it's time for me to "sign out from Digital Decatron. Till then guys stay happy, take care of each other and wish you a very happy Holi.Make sure to follow us on Facebook and my personal blog. 

Rahul Kumar


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