My Plans for this Holy Holi By Roshni Rao

My Plans for this Holy Holi

By Roshni Rao

Hey, people of the world. It's party time. How have you been these days? 

I hope you all have enjoyed the season of love unlike me. As you know, I am stuck in a digital marketing internship which is literally consuming my whole life of leisure. Now, it's just work, work, and work. How will I manage everything and what will I do I don't have any idea.

As you know, in my recent blog post of Valentine's day it looked like I was pretty skeptical about the concept of love. Yesterday, my friend asked me again about a very complex "love" problem and it literally pissed me off. He said if you love someone how could you not be with them. Although I was completely tongue-tied at that moment.

As I went home, I gave a lot of thought to this comment. And all I understood, if you love someone, you couldn't let him or her destroy their life for you. Love is unconditional. And if you love the person, and see that there is some problem going on in their life from you being with them then it's a very wise decision to stay away from them. It will hurt of course but I guess that's justice. 

Ok!  Now, before the blog gets sadder and I start crying I would like to change the topic very much.
Till now you might have known that why we usually are here and like always the reason is very obvious.

I am here because our teacher has given us assignment of making Holi posts. Which is so awesome. Holi is the festival of happiness and positivity. And that's why it is my most favorite festival. And why wouldn't be this is the real time to have a party.  Playing with colors, dancing into my favorite songs, it's always been so much fun for me.

This time I will be celebrating this festival with all my friends. Usually, I got see my parents at this time, but for some reason, it looks like I can't do that. But let's get clear, fun with friends is more fun. Don't get me wrong, being with parents is amazing. But you can't let your party side out. With friends, it's like we have all the rights to get crazy and enjoy.

So, this time I am actually planning to do that. One of my friends promised us that he will throw a party for us, so I am really counting on that.

And about the posts that I have completely forgotten, I have made some Holi posts in Adobe Photoshop my favorite software. All those three posts like my teacher had instructed and I hope you've like my designs.

So, now it's time for me to "sign out from Digital Decatron. Till then guys stay happy, take care of each other and wish you a very happy Holi.Make sure to follow us on Facebook and my personal blog. 

Roshni Rao


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