Vicious Thing called "Love" By Surbhi Mittal

Vicious Thing called "Love"

By Surbhi Mittal

What's up!! People!! Celebrating the Valentine Day!!

I know  I know, chocolates, posh gift, and what not. Must be enjoying a lot. Of course, you should, I am not envying your happiness. But focus on one thing, is it real...??

Ask yourself, the thing that you are running behind, how true is that. Is that you really want. No one can love you ever in the way that you've ever wanted. No one can ever understand you. And that's a fact, I am not saying anything obscure. Think about it a bit, is the person you think you love is a Jedi...? No, they are not, and neither they are mind reader I suppose. Then how come will they understand you? So, the thing you are thinking is completely fictitious.

You are stuck an illusion, so wake up before it wreaks you. You are completely clueless or I will say you are stuck in a facade. The "Love" that people are drooling over, is it some kind of philosopher's stone. It's disgusting, I find it completely ridiculous.

How senseless thing is that when you invest your time in some insignificant freak show who breaks in your life and then walks away. With time every relationship goes stale, nothing is permanent. So, why should we go through this hell over and over again even after knowing that it will break us? No, we don't deserve that suffering. Now, another thing is that on this planet earth, it's very very hard not to get attached.

Especially when you are in despair. Why is that? I constantly ask myself, but don't get the answer. Some say you need to love yourself to love others. And I can never relate to that fact even though it is true. If I equate people with that fact then it really becomes confusing to me. Usually, people want to be loved when they are in a very in a state of crisis, then how can they love anyone else. This question is still hanging in my mind like a pointed sword. Love is such a complex emotion, the more you try to understand it the more it will take you down the rabbit hole. So, better not to meddle in this scenario.

People generally start meddling with the concept of "love" from their teenage years. Although I am in my late teens I am blessed with that maturity to understand these scenarios. I can't tell you that if I get attached or not, but I try very hard not to get involved in this matters.
At the end of the day, love wreaks you, in a very peculiar way. After that you become stranger, well!! that's what the Joker says. And seems like it's true. So, I know the blog is getting too negative but isn't what the blog is for, to pour our heart out. And that's what we all do. We, the decatronians.     

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that is coming. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info.

Surbhi Mittal


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