Spark I’ve once seen in the ocean By Katherine Lightwood

Spark I’ve once seen in the ocean

By Katherine Lightwood 

There’s a spark I’ve once seen in the ocean,
It might be a falsity or my distorted emotion.
Like a mellow warm flame, it ignited my heart,
Now, without it, my soul couldn’t depart.
A war is raging inside me, shattering my walls,
Lost I’ve become while wandering through the empty halls.

I am stranded alone in the empty alleyway,
Sitting melancholy watching the sky go grey.
Not looking at the sky, not hoping for the sun,
But the sunlight still lurks at me, making my head spun.
Although it’s a mirage, a complete fallacy of my mind,
It still feels so real, makes me question if I am going blind.

So, got stuck in a maze, got bruised and bled,
Cried tears of blood as I prayed and plead.
Old wounds turned fresh and paralyzed my soul,
Burning pain is all I am feeling, that I couldn’t control
Have mercy on my heart, its war on your paradise,
That’s all I can bear my Lord, help me through my demise. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood  


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