Is the 'PAST' real...? By Katherine Lightwood

Is the 'PAST' real...?

By Katherine Lightwood

How do we even know the past really happened? Nor just the way we think it happened, but at all?

Like seriously? Can you prove that the universe wasn't created, like yesterday!! The everything, every person, every memory you have, every photo you've taken didn't just pop into existence last week or five minutes ago?

The crazy question right?... I know!!

This theory doesn't have actual followers or rituals but proving it wrong is impossible. Not because the universe was created like this, but this theory is not falsifiable or it can't be shown to be false.

Many people believe that in order for a theory and explanation to be 'Scientific' it must be possible to refute it, to prove it wrong. So this above question that I asked at the start of my blog falls into the domain of Philosophy where luckily there are razors or little rules of thumb that shaves off unlikely explanations. And the most famous is Occums's Razor. When faced with the choice between explanations, choose the ones that require diffused assumptions. Occam's razor can shave off these kinds of theories because it requires fewer assumptions to believe any situations like yesterday I went to my institute, chatted with my colleagues just happened to coincidentally pop into existence at the same time five minutes ago.

One of my favorite philosophical razors cuts of so much stuff that it's not even called a razor, it's called Newton's Flaming Laser Sword or Alder's razor. It states if something cannot be settled by experiment then it's not worthy of debate.

So, let's just move on to the past. What does Newton's Flaming Laser sword tell us about the past? I mean it doesn't exist in the same way gravity, light or protons do. We can't do experiments on it, built control groups, run trials etc. The past just is what it was. We will one day be the past and no matter how well we try to record our stories, without time machines future archeologists are going to have to make lots of guesses about us.

So, seems like we can never know that if we popped into existence 5 minutes ago.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood        


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