
Showing posts from March, 2019

Perception of my Self Image By Katherine Lightwood

Perception of my Self Image By Katherine Lightwood These days I am struggling with my anxiety and mental health lot more than my already deteriorating physical health. And I've been thinking a lot about self-image recently. So, I took a trip down my memory lane. When I was in my early teens I decided in order to push the limits of my own knowledge of own self-image that I would get rid of it, literally and entirely. At that point, I started hating my physical looks so much that I started obsessing about changing my whole "Outer Shell". I experimented so much with so many things that one day I took a challenge to go without seeing a mirror for a week. And how did I felt about my looks...? Well, at first I thought I don't entirely hate the way I look but the problem areas tend to be louder than everything else. I sometimes was told that I was too skinny but whenever I used to look at the mirror I saw all the body fat that I wanted to get rid off and that disso