I reviewed my life at the end of the Year By Nandan Negi

I reviewed my life at the end of the Year

By Nandan Negi

Hello, my beautiful friends in the world! 

What's up with you all !! How 's your life going??
Am I annoying you by asking so many questions in one go? Well sorry if I am doing that?

This year passed at the speed of light (well!! seems like that, don't take it literally because it's impossible). Only two days to go and the year is gone, stuck in the past. We all will enter the new realm of the future, a new year. Usually, this new year comes with lots of new hopes and new aspirations and the most trending topic whenever the year start is New Year's resolution. These days everyone has so hyped about this quite a modern trend. And all my friends are forcing me to make one especially Praveen Pal. And if you are familiar with his blog post then you might know that he is planning to go full Vegan. It would be so difficult to have lunch with him now. But who can change him, if he has decided to do something he will do it anyway. No worries I will wait for him to get over this self-claimed veganism and after that, we can have our old lunch together. You might be wondering what is my resolution for this upcoming year, well I am a very laid back guy and of course, I will not have any.

Now, as one of my contributors, Katherine was talking about the life review she does at the end of the year and it got me thinking about my life too. Well! If I look back and walk down the memory lane that what happened to me this passing year, I could see only one big thing that happened. I joined Arena Animation. It was the hot month of June and getting a bit rainy too. Before that, I was living in a hilly state of Northern India called Uttarakhand. I was completing my Bachelors in Arts and completely feeling out of place. I couldn't find my purpose in life, didn't know what  I was made for or what was my passion in life. I always loved coding and writing HTML scripts, so a friend of mine suggested me to join Arena Animation so that I could upgrade my skills and can do something creative on the basis of my interest.

So, to search my voice and my purpose I set out on a journey to New Delhi, the capital city of India. And after a day and two, I took admission to Arena Animation, Malviya Nagar. It was a quite pristine experience for me after entering the Institute. Now, if you ask me did I find my voice here. My honest answer " would be still searching for it " but got very close to finding it. Here, in the institute, I am playing with my passion (and yes that's the perfect way to describe it because I am actually doing that). 

Now, you might know from some of our contributors that we all were shortlisted for an in-house internship and I am one of them. I am so much honored that our teachers had considered me to be on that team. Our teachers had trained us really well to be in Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation. Now, it's our turn to do something by giving a good performance in this field so that they could have a belief on me that I was worthy enough for my selection. And I am working very hard to prove that.
Well! In the above lines, I've told you that I don't make resolutions. Now, I take that back. This year, I will pay my gratitude to everyone who I am thankful for.
So yeah, that was my New Year and some review and old memories that I've shared with you. Hope you'll find it relatable.

Now, it's time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed. You can also follow us on Facebook.

Till then, Happy New Year Guys.

Nandan Negi



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