My Indie New Year Animation & the Background story By Surbhi Mittal

My Indie New Year Animation & the Background story

By Surbhi Mittal

Since, the arrival of  New Year, we all get excited. We all usually start to make plans for the upcoming new year. We like to celebrate this beginning of the year with our friends, family, and relatives. We want to dedicate this first day of the year with that person who is very close to our heart. We hope this the new year may bring a lot of happiness, enthusiasm, and success in our life. 

Hope we could drive the darkness of our life, and all the chads, regret, failure and hate. Let's take a pledge to start the 1st day of the year with full of joy and forget all your past mistakes, failure and start a new journey of life. We should think about our future too because our past can't be changed but for making our future bright we need to keep that in our mind and act according to it. As we know that, most people say "future is uncertain" it's true, but to light up the future, we need to give our 100%( one hundred percent) efforts. 

         On this new year, let's try to think patiently. Then hopefully we could find our inner strength that what we want from our lives and in which place we want to see our self in future self. But one thing important, our achievements and failure both should not effect on our life because they both create a little bit of problem for us if we don't handle it in a wise way. It's a possibility that success may backfire us in spite of creating growth. When we think about our achievement, there's an ego that comes in between everything. And when we think about our failure, it generates unhealthy stress. We have to balance both of those two things. 

As my point of view is concerned " The story of our life, is created by us. When anyone comes in our life, it is for a reason and leave us also for some reason but this game we call life unstoppable, so we better learn from it and be observable to everything and take it the game of life in an easy way."

Live like every day is your new year's day and express your full of joy wholeheartedly, live your life like a five-year-old child as if you don't have any worries and regrets to grieve for. Well! I know it's very hard, but we can try at least. 

Maybe, we aim for stars, and we shoot the moon. 

On this new year, make a resolution to find your inner strength and take life easy. Life is like a chessboard, so let's play the game of life as passionately as we could.

Now, trying to keep my emotion aside and let's talk about the new year animated GIF ( graphics interchange format) which I made it on Abobe Animate CC. I wanted to show that only thing, is the brightness of our life and we should live our every day as if it's the 1st day of the new year. 

I hope readers will like my post and comments are always welcome.

So that's all for now, time to sign out.
thanking for taking your precious time to read this blog.
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have a great day ahead.


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