My Low key New Year's Party By Roshni Rao

My Low key New Year's Party

By Roshni Rao

Good Morning World!!

How are you people doing today!! 
Hope you all are good. Well!! I am extra fine. Ask me why!!

Yesterday was my buddy Harshita's birthday, and we all had so much fun. We surprised her in the morning. And then we all head out for the the party we planned. We didn't spend that much time together as we should because I had so much pending work to do, and assignments to finish. So, we planned a little get together and she cut her birthday cake and we ate a little bit. After that I came back to my institute to complete my work.

Two days, to go and it's end of the year 2017. Well many things happened in this passing year, somethings I remember and somethings I don't. Created some sweet memories that I would love to cherish and some incidents that I would never look back to. Learned a few and accomplished a lot. This year had a bitter sweet memories attached to it. Well! that's how life is, right! Mixture of everything. All we have to do is to learn our lessons and move on no matter what happens. And that's what I am trying to do.

Well! you know I am a party animal, so to celebrate this new year I planned the day. And this time I'll be celebrating it with my family. To surprise them I am planning to bake a cake and cook for them, as I am always busy working and I barely get any time to do anything for them. And at the night we are planning go to Hauz Khas to have some more fun.

So like always, our teachers again gave us an assignment to make something for New year. And I am not doing anything in rush. I am working on it since days and this time I made a GIF animation in Adobe Flash. I really enjoyed the working process.

At first, I thought what would I show in that animation, then an idea stuck my mind it would be quite awesome if I show a party scene. I animated a few balloons flying away in a snowy background (because you know it's cold, so snow is quite fancy). I also created an text animation of "happy new year". And yeah that was not that easy as I explained. Animation takes a hell lot of time. So, I showed my work that I made to my both teachers and they approved it.

Now, I am sitting at my bed writing about about my assignment that I have done for this new year. Now, if you ask me what will b my new year's resolution ? My answer will be a maintaining healthy diet and will try to stay positive. I am very excited for this coming year. I am planing to do so much in this year. Hope, all my plans succeed.

So yeah, that was my little New years's celebration animation. It's time for me to "sign out" from Digital Decatron

Hope you all like it.To see more posts like this please visit main page and our other blog Creative Devils. You can also follow us on Facebook. Till then we wish you a very Happy new year. May god bestow you with all the happiness & success you deserve.                


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