My Magical Fireplace By Ganesh Yadav

My Magical Fireplace

By Ganesh Yadav

Well!! Hello there.

How are you all doing! Chilly winter morning but it's Christmas Eve!!! 

Today it feels like I am becoming Ebenezer Scrooge from 'Christmas Carols' By Charles Dickens. Not willing to get up or celebrate anything, just wish to curl up inside my quilt. Man, it's so cold out there. But, the real charm of Christmas is Winter and no one can ignore that. So, I had to get up, make myself a cup of coffee and start writing for the blog. My work is pending and I am lagging behind.  A few days ago I was really sick, that's why all my work got bundled up and I have to work on holidays. So back to the business.
If you ask what Christmas meant to me, I can't answer that much flawlessly but this festival is really close to my heart. I have lots of loving memories attached to it. Have you ever felt heavenly after waking up in the morning? Well, that's exactly what I am feeling right now (not the usual mornings, when I am getting late and it's Monday).
Sweet cold air, the smell of baking and fresh Ginger Bread, the sound of church bells and fading voices of people singing carols... Oh Hallelujah!!
And who can forget the beautiful white snow (Well! We don't have snow here because I live in a freaky tropical country)? Oh boy! I am turning into a fantasy freak, I think I should keep my thinking on track before I completely lose my mind.
As I am writing this blog I could smell sweet vanilla, maybe my mom is baking something. See everything is in Christmas spirit
Now, let me share some of the very nostalgic moments of my childhood, that is associated with Christmas.

Since childhood, I was a dreamer. I had many wishes and desires which were simply impossible to create as these were against the laws of Physics (when I say that I actually mean it). I always dreamt of sitting in Santa's sledge and touching rainbow's and unicorns. And, now when I think that it disturbs me.

Well! Back in my mind, this child is still alive, if someone could give me those powers I will be actually happy. I used to write those wishes on a paper and hung it on the sock near my fireplace hoping Santa will come and actually grant my wish. But, like every little kid's heart mine broke too but I couldn't stop hoping for this again in next Christmas. As if I am making sand castles in the shore of a sea, even though I know it will be washed away I can't stop building it (that's a metaphor, don't get too sentimental).

At Christmas Eve, our Mom and Dad used to take us to the church for morning prayer. Where we got Cakes and Chocolates. The bishop of that church was really kind towards me, he always used to save an extra piece of cake for me as he claimed I was a 'good kid' (Well! I don't know about how good was I, but I was a quiet child). At evening me and my friends used to hang out at nearby mall where there was Santa Claus (the fake one of course) distributed chocolates and sweets to children. We also got lots of candies from it.

There was a tradition of distributing Cakes and Sweets to all the neighbor and relatives. I and my mom always use to visit all of them and in return, I got lots of presents too. I was shy couldn't take that at first but now I confess it was kind of lovely though.

Recently, our teacher gave us the assignment to make a Christmas post. And all these works is for that post, the content, the design, and the concept. It was really hard for me to focus and concentrate as I was running out of the deadline. Somehow I made it. It is a GIF animation that I've created. I remember the fireplace we used to have in our house, which I decorated with my sister. Well! I tried to recreate that, I made an animation of blinking fairy lights. After spending a good eight hours on this design I finally was satisfied with the result. I showed it to my teacher and he liked it. 

And now, in this beautiful morning, I am writing about it with lots of memories and thoughts stuck inside my head. Well!! that was my goofy Christmas, didn't do much but it was special.

So that's all for now, time to sign out.
Thank you for taking your precious time to read this blog.
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Ganesh Yadav


  1. Wow!! You made a really amazing GIF animation..!! Keep it up ! Can't wait to see more posts from you!!

  2. Very impressive art and heart touching blog...


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