My Midlife crisis and Firework Digital Painting By Katherine Lightwood

My Midlife crisis and Firework Digital Painting

By Katherine Lightwood

How are you, fellas!!
This year seems to pass away in the blink of an eye. Sometimes time seems to pass so fast that we could barely notice. Seasons pass like days, and when it Christmas, BAM!!! it hits like a wrecking ball. It's two days to go and the year ends. I have a weird habit of making a life review at the end of the year. What did I do what have I learn? Have I done anything productive this year which have the potential to create a change? And like every time I am doing this again. Well! My answer to the first question is like always 'tried to be productive'. Now, I have succeeded or not I have no idea. but I tried. The answer to my second question is that I have learned something ( a lot like seriously a lot, especially at the end of the few months), about me and a lot about life in general.

Now, you might be wondering " Hey do you have a glitch in your mind, what the hell are you talking about!"

Well, my friends slow down and hold on to your horses. In this fast-paced life have you ever wondered where are you exactly heading towards and who you really are and what do you want from your life? And recently, I've been thinking about this a lot. One can say I am having a strange mid-life crisis because of that. Living in a closed realm of boundation ( not sure if it's self-created or created by some outside influence) I've always lived a life of singing bird in a golden cage. Played by someone else's rule, dreamt someone else's dream. And this realization simply shook me.
As you might know, I am studying graphic design and animation from Arena Animation. So, a teacher of mine recently asked me what my career plan is as this is a vast course with lots of option. And I was just dumfound standing their gawking. I didn't have an answer. I didn't know what I liked. I spent that whole night only thinking about my interest and what I wanted to become. I was beyond clueless, I couldn't even find any purpose in life. So, that's why I call it a mid-life crisis. So, that's what happened The year is about to end and like always I am reviewing my life. And very thanks to our teacher who gave us an assignment of making the concept art and to write something about it. And the topic is of course 'New Year'.

Well!! the most trending thing about the new year which becomes quite common in human conversation nowadays is "New years resolution". And "oh my god"don't even make me start on this topic of how obnoxious it is. I don't understand why people bind themselves in some rules that they will not follow eventually. And ultimately driving themselves in the rabbit hole of guilt and shame. I am not saying that applies to everyone, some of us are definitely very disciplined and turn this freaky business into a bowlful of productivity.
But hello!! there are people out there who are of that kind. Make rules and then break them and it's their motto of life. and unfortunately, I am one of them.

Ok sorry for being so pessimistic! Let's focus a bit on a real business, shall we? As usual, our teachers gave us a task for making something for this new year. And I really didn't have any idea about what will I make for this " New Year". What people usually do? Party, drink champagne, chill out with friends and families.  How can I make a concept art out of that? Drinking people, seriously?
To solve this problem I thought to ask one of our teachers to share a bit about his insights. I saw him walking down the stairs so I quickly ran up to him. While catching my breath I ask for the concept.
He told me to create a scene of fireworks in the sky and it has to be hyperrealistic. I was really intrigued. He told me to focus on the 'redshift' and 'blueshift' of colors in the sky. The nerd inside me just woke up ...Man, I love Physics. It's really amazing to know about the properties of light. Ok, stop fantasizing Katherine!!

So yeah! I tried to create that artwork, the way he said. I don't know if I made the artwork the way he expected or just failed him.
Well! it's an enigma, my friend. Hope I did it right. So that was my "Firework digital painting".
It's time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed.
 You can also follow us on Facebook. Till then a very happy new year to all of you.!!!

Katherine Lightwood    


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