Happy New Year With New Hopes by Praveen Pal

 Happy New Year With New Hopes 

By Praveen Pal

Hello, my friends!!
Hope you all are good!!

With the beginning of the new year, there comes new energy, a new vibe of happiness. 
Can you all feel it? Maybe or maybe not! 

But, I can feel it right through my heart. The new day, a new year with new plans and aspirations. What are your plans for the year let me know? And allow me to explain my thought for this year. 
This year I am planning to go full vegan. Although, I am practicing a purely vegetarian diet for years, after researching more about this vegan lifestyle I seemed to fell in love with this more and more.
It is comparatively more healthy and easy diet plan. So yeah! I am planning on that. 

Another thing that I am planning to do is, I am saving some money and some of my clothes and stuff and donating it to the nearby charity. Now, if you have read my previous blog by any chance then you might be familiar that how I met a little girl in the pavement and she literally changed my whole perspective of life. Her innocence and despair have created a deep impact on my life. From that Christmas night, I've decided to donate a small part of my saving to the poor and destitute who couldn't afford to buy regular survival items so they could live a decent life. Well! I am not being extra saintly, I am just trying to do my part help a little and live a simple life.

Now, let's get back to the actual reason why I am here. As you might be familiar that our teachers have a habit of giving us assignments on holidays so that it could be easy to gather our thoughts and make something for that occasion. And I really like this about them. That's how creative people work. So, as usual, I got into real deep thought and tore my brain apart (it's a metaphor). And got some idea. "New Year" Why we exactly celebrate starting of the year. 

According to me, it signifies a new beginning. Beginning of creating a change for good. A growth for becoming a better person then I was on the last year. Gratitude for getting a chance to see the future. A fresh start for beginning a new change in my life.  And I am really very hopeful about that. Inspired by that thought I have created this artwork. I searched for an image which was matching my state of mind. I got an image in my google search which was matching so much with my thoughts. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember the name of that anonymous photographer who clicked that picture in such a beautiful way. It is really amazing. So, I edited the image a bit in Adobe Photoshop and then added a life quote on that while keeping the picture as background. I am really hyped about the life quote that I've added on my post. Life is really uncertain, we didn't know what will happen in the next moment. We should be really thankful to that almighty who has gifted us with the time we had. We should utilize the time that was given to us and we should do something that is meaningful. So, yeah guys that is something I made for my New years' post. Hope you'll like it and get inspired like me. 

Now, it's time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed. You can also follow us on Facebook.


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