Are We Really Free? By Surbhi Mittal

Are We Really Free?

By Surbhi Mittal 

My friends!! Hello. Haven't written in a while so how you doing!!
Dear friends life is quite different. It's like a river, with the different flow in different time. And you never know when it will take a turn. And yeah for me it's taking a continuous turn, my life is changing like a heavy overflowed river. Breaking every bank and every obstacle that is coming my way. Metaphorically speaking guys, but life is weird and sometimes quite unfair sometimes. Well, sorry for the sad start.

 It's not sad it's rather philosophical. It's a way of life.  So, all my colleagues are so hyped and stressed about Republic day posts. Sometimes it's getting nauseating. If you take work as a task or a burden then it will definitely bug you. Take work as a passion and just immerse in it. You will not feel a thing. So this is my advice. Now, up to this point, I have talked about literally everything except republic day about which the post is.

So, let's unleash some of my patriotic thoughts. First things first, freedom, are we really free after more than seventy years of Independence from British Colonial Rule. Everyone's answer would be a prompt yes, but think from a broader perspective.

We are still a slave, we are still in the cage of our weakness. We still have scars that make us slaves of unseen demons like poverty, corruption, gender inequality and many more. We could only be free if we could break ourselves from all these cages and think in from a different perspective. Could we rectify our mistakes by paying attention to the flaws we still have which restrict us to be a strong and powerful nation? We have so many resources and power available to us, then why is that we still are lagging behind? Our freedom fighters have dreamt India to be a superpower and for this, they had laid their lives.

And if they were alive they wouldn't be very happy after seeing what we've become. What their dreamland turned into. So, firstly we must focus on what our flaws. Rectify our mistakes and most importantly learn from what we did wrong. So, maybe after that, we can make the dream of our freedom fighters come true.
So my friends that were my thoughts on Republic Day. And now, it's time for me to sign out from Digital Decatron. To see more posts like this you can visit our main page and our Facebook page.

Surbhi Mittal          


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