Are We Valuing Our Freedom? By Ritu Sharma

Are We Valuing Our Freedom?

By Ritu Sharma

Patriotism!! That word comes to my mind when I think about this national festival called Republic Day. And after more than 70 years of Independence, do the citizens of our country still have that flame in their mind which they had when they were fighting for the freedom from British colonial rule? I always ask that question to myself do we value our freedom in the way we should?

After observation all, I've learned that citizens of this era don't have any value for the freedom they got from the colonial rule. We have literally no respect for the freedom fighters who have earned this precious freedom from their blood, sweat, and tears. 

Try to understand me, today what do we do in the name of "freedom"? In the name of "modernization," we have even manipulated our thoughts and values. Now, we seemed to get ashamed of our "Indianness", losing the essence of our rich culture. I wonder why is that so, why are we deviating ourselves so much from our culture?

As per my knowledge goes, it's definitely not globalization. As globalization creates oneness, it doesn't erase anybody cultural identity. And it's getting very hard for me to understand these things and I usually consider these as my deep thoughts. Why am I meddling with all these..I have no idea.

Now, back to the business, as you might be familiar with this trend that our teacher always gives us assignments whenever there are any festivities coming by. And like always I also made something but unfortunately, that didn't satiate my teacher's expectation level. A fateful thing happened yesterday, as we all were working on our posts. I was quite sick, down with a cough.

My deteriorating health was clouding my mood. I was getting cranky as the stress on work was getting quite high. As always I was running out of the deadline. Somehow I made those posts and showed it to our teacher. But oh no, it didn't satisfy him. I made those posts again and again but it seems like my head was in a maze. I was being extremely unproductive, couldn't even think straight. The thing with rejection is that everyone tells me to take it in a positive way but it is really tough. That thing I got to know that day. I was teary-eyed couldn't take the rejection in a positive way. It was wreaking my pride and I felt that I was being vilified.

So, I thought it's better to get away from that situation or I didn't want my emotions to come to become my actions, so I did that. After, I was a bit calm. I found out that I was being quite reckless and getting tired too. I thought to call that off and went home and slept for the whole night. In the morning, I found a new enthusiasm and started working again. And I found out that I was working flawlessly. That's the thing with sleep, it heals everything.

So, I came back in the morning and showed my work to my teacher. After a few adjustments, he was ok with the results. And that's how I created my posts. So, my friends, it's now time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed. To see more posts like this, please do visit our main page. You also can follow us on Facebook.


Ritu Sharma  


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