I gathered My Inspiration from a Modern Sage By Ritu Sharma

I gathered My Inspiration from a Modern Sage

By Ritu Sharma

Hello, my beautiful friends!!

How are you all these days? Hope you all are good. Haven't written in a while, so I thought to come through and say a few words. And NO! our teachers haven't given us any task to become Jane Austen in disguise. I am just here to share a few thought that is inspiring me lately. I was searching for some inspiration as I was feeling quite low for a while, and sick too.

 Last night a damn motorcycle hit me and my leg just turned black and blue. So, I am in a lot of pain and it's turning worst. Sorry for pining for my troubles, let's focus on the main reason I am here.

I came across a quote that opened my eyes to lots of different ways (well! speaking in metaphor fellas, don't take it literally).

"You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul."
This is one of the famous quotes that by the great saint of modern generation Swami Vivekananda. He is one of the most inspirational people that I've ever heard of.  Well! I didn't know much about his life and life story but some of his quotes are just amazing. The teachings he spread among his disciples and countrymen are completely out stereotypes.

Self-growth is so important that most of us have completely ignored This. No matter how anyone teaches you, you can't learn a thing until you teach this yourself. The main thing lies in our experience. Nothing can teach us the way experience teach us. Scientifically speaking, experience creates a long-term memory in our brain which makes our next task much easier whenever we are attempting it next time. Even though it's a very common thing to say, but it is very uncommon when this thought is applied practically. We generally procrastinate very much at the time of gaining experience. And it may be any reason for extreme fear or anxiety but whatever might be we have to overcome it.

I loved the way, Swami Vivekananda delivered his speech at Chicago while representing the Hindu religion to the whole world. He said that this is the only religion that taught us the value of the idea of toleration. This is the religion which is the basis of two important values that are universal acceptance, and tolerance. And I found that very interesting.
So, yeah that was my thought for the day hope you all might find it interesting enough.

It's time for me to sign out form Crimson Creed another blog Creative Devils. Till then have a lovely day ahead. You can also follow us on Facebook for more information.

Ritu Sharma


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