Is Our Political System Out Of Date? By Praveen Pal

Is Our Political System Out Of Date?

By Praveen Pal 

What makes India great? Everybody will have a different opinion, I believe it's Patriotism. It unifies the whole nation. India is a diverse country with over more than 100 ethnicities and many minorities. People here have different religious believes, political views, philosophical ideas and because of this, I am very proud to be an Indian.

I don't know about you but I am quite concerned about the growing divisiveness in this country and in the world. No one's listening to each other. And might be we need an understanding of a broader context.
Humans think in stories and we start to make sense of the world by telling stories.

Now,  what is happening in India in these recent years? If we ask ourselves this questions and dig deep into our surroundings then we can find pretty interesting answers. According to what people make me understand is that the economy is being globalized, the politics is being liberalized and our political leaders claim that the combination of these two will create heaven on earth, such a cliche.

But, what I've seen is most people have stopped believing in that ideal.
The old 20th century political model of left vs right is largely irrelevant and when I say left and right, I mean political opposing parties.And if you see in broader perspective you can see that the great divide is between global and national.

Literally, all over the world, it is the main struggle. And we probably might need completely new political models, completely new ways of thinking about politics. A strange problem of this era is, we have global ecology, global economy but we have national politics. And these two aspects don't work together very well. This makes political system ineffective. The underlying feeling or idea is that the political system is broken seems to be quite true nowadays. It doesn't empower ordinary person anymore. Nobody in the political realm today has any future-oriented vision where the humankind is going. Everywhere I see there is a retrograde vision.

Now, let's dive a bit into the history. For many centuries even thousands of years our Patriotism worth quite well. Of course, it leads to war and many things but it's wise to not focus much on bad things because there are also many many things about patriotism like people care and sympathize with each other and come together for collective actions.

So, now I've blabbered lots of deep thoughts. I am here because of few obvious reasons. Number one is that our teacher gave us an assignment for creating posts on Republic Day.

Now, up to this point, you might have known what the Republic day is. And therefore I made something in Adobe Photoshop.  I hope you will like it. So, my friends, it's time for me to sign out from Digital Decatron. To see more posts like this you can see our main page and make sure you follow us on Facebook.

Till then Jai Hind.  

Praveen Pal


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