Our Over Bragging Patriotism By Katherine Lightwood

Our Over Bragging Patriotism

By Katherine Lightwood

Hello, wonderful people of the world!! How are you doing? Hopefully fine.

As this new year started, my life is completely turning over and god knows what will be the final repercussion, seems like only time will tell.

So, there we go again another celebration another assignment and this time 26th January. Now, if any folks outside India are reading this then they might not know about this festival. 26th January is our Republic day. On this day our new constitution was implemented in the year 1950, as India got freedom from British Colonial rule. Since then, the whole country celebrates this day every year to pay homage to the great martyrs who struggled for freedom and some of them even lost their lives.

Well! enough with this historical talks I don't want the waves of boredom here. If you wanna know much about these historical tales then better google it. So, don't wanna brag about my country or anything but in India, there are two specific days in which the level of patriotism skyrockets in the blood of Indians. One is 26 January (Republic Day) and another 15th August (Independence Day).

Everyone hypes up so much about their country and how much they can sacrifice and blah blah blah. 

Now, my question is, are you really that proud or just some sugar-coated words? How much responsibility do you feel you have for your country? There are many questions like these which comes to my mind when I see people brag about their"pride for being an Indian". Now, if you ask me if I am "proud to be an Indian" my answer will be "Yes" and "No".

Yes because I am very proud to be a citizen of such county which has such rich culture, heritage, and literary background. And "No" because of some obvious reasons which I don't wanna talk about because I hate controversies.

Speaking of "not being proud", a very weird situation happened to me a while ago. I was taking out a book from my bookshelf when my eye caught on TV that my brother was watching. A very weird advertisement was up. To my very surprise, it was about campaigning for using sanitary toilets. And Oh boy, the topic doesn't even stop there, a full-length feature film was also there on this subject. Now, there might be thousands of people ready to kill me after commenting on this "thought".
Well!! Hold on your horses' fellas before you raise your weapons. Ask yourself, the thing I am saying, is it false?

Why do we need such massive campaigning for such a simple issue even after 70 years of independence?  Using sanitary toilets is a sign of humans beings getting civilized. With such a huge population, so many resources and manpower why our country is still lagging behind. And I don't think it's something to be proud of. And in this 21st century when the world is heading towards modernization, we must expect ourselves to be at least behave like civilized people.
This is a very small issue and there are still hundreds more which we need to work on. Illiteracy, poverty, corruption, gender inequality and trust me I can go on and on.

India is a divine country and I totally agree with it as we have so many resources and potential. Probably that's why Britishers made colonies here and ruled for 200 years. And now they are crazy rich. So, of course, we have something special.  In this republic day let's pledge not to let our obnoxious action corrupt the grace of our country. Let's pledge for being responsible know our mistakes and rectify them.

Let our own success speak our glory. And then we can brag about our patriotism and then it will definitely worth it. Hope my message is clear and I am really very sorry if I've hurt anybody's feelings.

So, that's all my friends I could say about Republic Day. Don't want to brag much as I believe in doing rather than saying. Till then stay tuned with Crimson Creed for more posts like this. You can also follow us Facebook.


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