Real Definition of Modern Day Patriotism By Shubho Halder

Real Definition of Modern Day Patriotism

By Shubho Halder 

What's up beautiful people of the world.What's with you all today? Are you getting the patriotic vibe of republic day?
Well, about me yes I am getting the vibe. So, what do you think patriotism is?
Before, I tell you about its definition. Let me tell you what patriotism is not. Now, it's only my point of view, I am not claiming it as it is the ultimate truth. Patriotism is not only the love for country.

Patriotism is not just blind trust about what our political or social leaders tell us to do. Patriotism is not simply showing up to vote. Waving a national flag could only be an outward sign of patriotism. Now, being patriotic is to revere the ideas that motivated the freedom fighters and compelled them, in many instances, to put their lives fortunes and sacred honors on the line.

Now, I sometimes question myself, what exactly is modern day patriotism?  And is it different from the old definition which was valid at the time of freedom struggle? Does it mean standing up to or against one's government and its policies if and when you disagree? Does it mean going along or defending without question?

The English term Patriot was first used in the Elizabethan era, the mid 16 century and comes from the late Latin word "Patriota" meaning countrymen meaning someone who lives within the borders of the specific nation.

I remembered a Mark Twain quote, in which is said,
" Loyalty to the country always, loyalty to the government when it deserves."

In a contemporary context, patriotic resistance has taken shape in the form of protests. And the main factor behind all these that I think is distinct lack of trust in an elected officials in general and the government in particular.

Despite the lack of trust in the government who uphold the value spelled out in the constitution and despite disagreement over what it means to be a loyal citizen that it what it means to defend the values of freedom and liberty embedded in the Declaration of Independence. There are those for whom trust is what they cling too.
Well well !! my friends, seems like I've talked quite seriously about that topic. So, let's talk what is going on in my life. So, as you know like always our teachers get hyped about festivals and we all have to make posts about it. And, that's what happened here again.

I made a post and well to be fair it was a hustle. Actually, I have valid reasons for that. If you know me then you might have known that  I am a 3D animator. And it is a real-time taking work to do anything in 3D. I was quite busy in doing that and found out that I ran out of time. But at last, somehow I've made it.

And that's all my friends, my thoughts, and posts on Republic day. Till then, take care of yourself, be nice to each other and it's time for me to sign out from Digital Decatron. You can also follow us on our Facebook Page.

Shubho Halder.           


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