Swami Vivekananda- My Inspiration By Katherine Lightwood

Swami Vivekananda- My Inspiration

By Katherine Lightwood

Behold !! The people of the world and listen to my thoughts!!
Just kidding! You don't have to listen to me that seriously and even if I want to I can't make you do that. So without any further thoughts let's dive into our real business, shall we?

As you might know, I call myself a Wanderer. Do you know why? It's because I am like a boat without a sail. For every moment, I have to seek inspiration from people surrounding me to live my life. And lately, it is getting very tough for me to find inspiration. As if I am getting more indulged in my old habits and falling in the loophole of the same outcomes that once created huge havoc in my life. I am scared and yet very numb at the same time. I am finding it quite difficult to write and process my thoughts.
As I was going to my institute and doing the daily work that I supposed to do, I was feeling very hopeless and uncertain about everything. Desperately, I was pacing to and fro in the balcony wishing that something might stick my mind which will give me a strength to write again. But oh!! what wishful thinking was that. No matter how much I tried there was a "brain fog" in my mind which was restricting me to think anything straight.
And to solve that problem, I did what I always do. Went up to my teacher and pine over my stupidity.
and let me tell you one thing about him. He is a wizard, I mean literally. He has solutions for every possible problem in the world. Almost every other student of our institute seeks advice from him and I also do the same.
I asked him about some inspirations and he suggested me to write something about Swami Vivekananda. That idea just struck me right in my mind. This man is so inspirational that he is considered as Messanger of God by the people of India and even the whole world.

Well! There are many reasons behind all these beliefs, but the most amazing thing that I found out about him was that he was the one who represented as India and Hinduism in the parliament of world's religion in Chicago. Can you imagine how brave and amazing that is?  When this religion had literally no identity in the world except India, he literally delivered a long speech over that concept and got a standing ovation from the audience over that particular speech. And from that moment this religion gained its recognition and respect.

There are countless more things that I could discuss here. His morals, ethics, and service he did for humanity. But, I too have some limitations like I have a flight to catch in 3 hrs. So, I need to stop this article here right now. Hope, I could write more about this Modern Sage who drove this generation of youth to great heights. And thanks a lot to my teacher who for suggesting me for writing this blog post about this great man.
So, guys!! It's time for me to sign out from Crimson Creed. To visit our other post from our contributors make sure you visit our main page. And also visit our another blog Creative Devils. To know more of the information you can follow us on Facebook.

Till then, Bye.

Katherine Lightwood.                 


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