The Forgotten Soldiers of Siachen By Ganesh Yadav

The Forgotten Soldiers of Siachen

By Ganesh Yadav

Hey there!! What's up!! How are you all doing?
Might be good might be not. But you know what my advice for the day, on this beautiful morning will be "just go with the flow".  That's how our life is, life drives us to ways we've never expected and the reason is to teach us from all those experiences that we acquire throughout life.

So, that's my positive thought of the day. I hope, my day would be fine and hopefully yours too. Starting with this new year I've got lots of plans, things I want to achieve, goals to reach and a lot more.
So, what's up with me these days? If anyone's interested to know. I am busy with lots of shooting and stuff, concept designing and all. And soon guys you will see what I am talking about. I am very excited about my upcoming plans.
Again, we all gathered around in this blog and the reason is again very obvious of course. We've got an assignment related to a national festival called Republic day. Sorry, I am saying it in a strange way as if no one knows it. Of course, it is very famous and of course, everyone is enthusiastic about this festival. While ago I saw Miss Lightwood typing fiercely on the keyboard, wondered what she was so hyped about. Quite agitated she was pacing anxiously worrying about her assignment, now I've got to know why she was doing so. Man oh man, that girl's head on fire!! Well!! kidding guys, Just a metaphor. 
So, my thoughts about Republic day!! To be fair I am quite patriotic. I love my country and I am proud to be an Indian. I am from the capital city of India, that is New Delhi, so extra proud. And I am very thankful that I am born in such an awesome and magnificent country. Our country has such a rich background and culture. Land of saint and sages, great scholars, and writers who had contributed so much to our society and heritage.

Now, I want to say something about a very important thing which is generally ignored by us. And I want to dedicate this post to them. The soldiers who are serving on the Siachen border so selflessly.

While cuddling under the soft blanket and with pillows have anyone of us has ever wondered about the fate of these soldiers, and how they are leaving their life on that bone-chilling glaciers and saving our country from the trespassers. These forgotten soldiers always guard us like guardian angels, and in between these constant raging war if they ever fall down there is no one who could watch over them.

This is very sad lore, which is usually unspoken as not one is aware of their plight.
No one has any idea how painstaking it is to live in such harsh conditions. These soldiers selflessly serve the country and they are the real patriotic sons of mother India. Their love for India is unconditional. And it always inspires me to be like that. To be that selfless and do something for our country which will take us in great heights. And that's my thought for this Republic day. I am hoping that these soldiers will one day get the dignity and respect they deserve from all countrymen and that's my wish.
Ok, guys, it's time for me to sign up form Crimson Creed. For more posts like this check out our main page, Facebook, and my personal blog.

Ganesh Yadav 


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