Unity in Diversity By Manoj Thapa

Unity in Diversity

By Manoj Thapa

Hi there!! how are you all doing? Might be good. Well, I am ecstatic.

As Republic Day is coming, I am extremely hyped about all the festive mood. Well, guys if you don't know much about the Republic day, then let me tell you something about it. Our country got its first book of Law called the Constitution and from that day, it came into practice. Our country got its independence in the year 1947 and after that, it took literally three years approx to write that Book of Rules. It sometimes amazes me, why we have to have so many rules. Then I remember discipline man, we got to have the discipline to run a country. So, of course, it's a very big thing, that's why we celebrate this day every year.

We celebrate our freedom, that we earned from the British colonial rule. For more than 200 years, they ruled over us and abused our resources which left us in complete destitution. But, we stayed strong and didn't let or weakness becomes our identity. And finally, we are accomplishing our goal.

So, on this occasion, our teacher gave us assignments to make posts on Republic day like always.  And my friend, this time his mind got into a full wreaking ball mode. One day, he angrily burst into our class and gave us a declaration. And guess what was that, he told us to make at least three posts on republic day.
My mind got all numb, I didn't know what has happened to him that time but whatever that was it was definitely not good. That time I was working on my FL studio software, making beats for my upcoming project. But, his declaration jolted me from my deepest trail of thoughts. Ok sure, I will do it, I have to do it, no way either. Sorry, I am complaining but man oh man that procrastination is literally killing me. So, somehow I made my mind to get back to work. Well, I was 'working' on my music, but the thing that I enjoy, I don't consider it as work.

And that was work, just kidding !! I started working yesterday night and after dueling hours of upon my designs, I finally made something. So let's talk a bit about my designs. As these are related to Republic day which is a national festival, I kept the standard theme which is Tricolor.

And after that at one design, I made an illustration of Shaheed Bhagat Singh who was a young freedom fighter of India. He along with three friends sacrificed their lives while fighting for the country. And that thing was so inspirational for me. And in another design that I made, it was about empowerment and strength. And unity in diversity. When all of us get unified overlooking our diversity, then only we are truly empowered. And being empowered is a sign of a country being totally free.
So yeah, my friends that's was my thoughts about Republic Day and I hope you've liked my designs.

Now, it's time for me to "sign out" from Crimson Creed. To see more posts like this make sure to check out our main page and follow us on our Facebook.                     


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