For me "Love" is Alluring By Nandan Negi

For me "Love" is Alluring

By Nandan Negi 

My friends!! How are you today? Hope you spend this Valentine's Day with all your loved ones.

This day is celebrated as a "day of love" but unfortunately everyone here has kind of negative perception over this day. As if everybody is afraid to love. So, what exactly is so scary about love. Let's dive deep into the rabbit hole to unravel the dark secrets of this love, shall we?

So, what is love? Scientifically speaking love is just reactions of few neurotransmitters and hormones, but does it really feel that way...? No right...!! Love feels way different than it is described in textbooks. I recently listened to a TED talk where the host said when a person falls in love their thoughts kind of match with patients with Schizophrenia.

Their mind is constantly swirling with thoughts of someone they love. And then at some point, it dies down, the peak of the curve becomes shorter and shorter as the time passes. I don't think this is love, maybe it's a phase. For me, love is an umbrella term, and under this, there are lots of things that this blog will be very small enough if I start explaining. Here, I would like give my own perspective on "love", what I think love is.

For me, love is a pious feeling of sacrifice for your lover and it can be anyone or anything. Love has no boundaries and no rules, it's the society who has created these rules. Love is a feeling where you find extreme happiness while sacrificing for others. Love can never break you, it's an absurd myth that my other colleagues are so much talking about. Love gives you extreme courage, you become so powerful that you have the strength to take down the world. (Well!! Not take down the world of course, but do a lot more than you could ever imagine).

Love is another name for courage. How could such amazing feeling be wrong? It's not "the love" that is faulty, it's the human beings that are vicious, they made love such a tragedy.  One thing that people get too confused while loving someone, they expect. And this is the most disgusting thing I find when people talk about love.

Now, love is our own feeling, we feel it right? Then how can we expect others to feel the same feeling like we do the same? I mean that's practically impossible.. ask yourself.. The person can't read your mind nor could they manipulate their emotion.

You can fall in love with someone, it's your feeling. But another person is not responsible for this feeling. And believing this notion will only bring chaos and conflict which is far far away from the concept of love. So, that's the thing you can't expect someone to love you back no matter how good and bad you are or how rich and poor you are. Thinking such thing is a complete waste of time and energy.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that passed. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info.

Nandan Negi 


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