Lore of My True Love Praveen Pal

Lore of My True Love

Praveen Pal

Hello, world!! Happy Valentine Day in advance!!
I hope all of you are celebrating this special day with your loved one. Everyone in digital decatron is literally getting crazy about this day. Now if you ask me "crazy" in what way? "Crazy" means some of us are very happy, some are irritated, some are furious and some are rather quite silent. Now, this is my blog then, of course, I will share my story.

Well!! If you ever meet me in person you can never believe me after listening to my story.  And in blogs, it's an advantage that you can't see me yet I can tell you my story and you will listen to me without judging me by my face. So, without blabbering about anything else let's began my love story.
It was a bright sunny day in a small city of Rajasthan, I was in my 8th grade. Was extremely, feeling sleepy in a class wasn't able to concentrate on anything. Suddenly, a gush of cold wind brushed my face and I got a bit startled. I got on my senses and looked towards the door. As I gazed towards the door my whole world stopped. I met the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. Let me tell you how does it felt, my whole body got numb by that intense emotion.

For a second, I felt like my soul got out my body.  It was the most frightening, happiest and amazing moment of my life. Those few second was like eons for me. Somehow, I controlled my reactions and quickly looked away. From that day I felt such strong connection that I had never felt with anyone before. I never dared to ask that girl's name, or ever tried to talk to her. A simple gaze from her was enough for me to live in my dreams. I was more than fulfilled, all my desires were satisfied. Happiness lost its definition, I was in eternal bliss.
They say "first love" is special, but true love is simply undefined. True love is a concept, it's a way to find happiness within. And of course, it needs some external help. And that mysterious girl was my source of happiness.
She used to sit on the bench adjacent to me, and only her presence seemed enough for me. A  single glance from her used to make my day. The feeling was not like I need to get close to her, but it was rather like she drowned me in a sea of satisfaction and the feeling was never-ending. I once made a glass doll for her and thought to give it to her.

I packed my gift and went up to her. But as I felt her presence near me, my whole body got paralyzed. I got stuck and after a while, I ran away from there. I thought to approach her in a slightly different way, less terrifying way.That day I saw her again on my school bus and thought to give it another shot. Very fortunately, the seat next to her was empty. And I quickly hopped into that seat before someone could take that. As I sat next to her, she shyly smiled at me while looking through her eyelashes. My heart was beating so fast that I could barely breathe. But I was jumping in excitement as well, (I didn't jump, but that moment felt like that.) I dared to give her the gift that I made for her, she quickly took that from my hand and looked the other way. I asked her that if she liked it or not, she nodded. I could hardly keep myself in my seat and ran away from there. That was my most precious moment in my life that I will always cherish. It was beyond amazing, this experience transformed me into a much better person. 

These days, people are so superficial and expect so much. Love seemed to lost it's meaning. But true love is always safe in a shell. And thing is that no one ever dares to reach that limit. these days everyone keeps their guard so high.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that is coming soon. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info.

Praveen Pal


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