Love is Errorless By Harshita Pandey

Love is Errorless

By Harshita Pandey

Hello !! Beautiful people of the world, how are you all? 

This valentine's day just passed while I was in my hometown. Away from all my friends, I didn't quite celebrate this day, that day passed gloomily.

So what is love? All my colleagues have been so freaked out about this concept as if some hell just broke...!! For me love is indescribable. And, that's why I've come here to give some thought on my perspective of love.
Here's the deal, life is really all about love. I've seen people choose between two things love or something else. And what I've witnessed and experienced is this, when people choose love they always choose right. As simply I can put it, we are here on this very earth to love and to be loved. Love is "light". 

We all yearn for opportunities to love and be loved.If you are skeptical about who you are in love with then ask yourself.

What sizes your imagination, what gets you out of bed in the morning, how you spend your weekends, what brakes your heart and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.  And this is what love is.

Who and what you love is going to have an enormous impact on your life. Love is complete acceptance when we are with somebody, without our judgments for them and we are essentially accepting them how they are.

We have no concept of how they aren't good enough or how we want them to improve or how they would be perfect if "only", and all that "only" exists in thoughts. So, without them, love is what remains.

In addition, love is unconditional. When we truly love someone it can't be impacted by words or actions that we don't like. And lastly, love is selfless, love doesn't need anything in return. When we love we just love, purely, innocently without any ideas of what we may get or want in return. So, when we love what we experience is freedom, openness, and connection.

So, generally when we are with people we experience a barrier in between us, a divide, means we don't have a connection there. So, the walls and barriers between us are thoughts and judgments. When we have judgments about someone we are just experiencing the thoughts about them. And that prevents us from connecting. To love someone we don't need positive thoughts about them, we don't need to experience the thought of "I love you". All these are completely unnecessary. When we love we try to face every obstacle together, we just love our partner without any need of adding anything on top of it. And that's what I called our innate nature, we don't need to anything to create love, it just happens.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that passed. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info.  

Harshita Pandey     


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