My Musical Love Manoj Thapa

My Musical Love

Manoj Thapa

Hey guys, what's up!! Seems like I am the first one to hop into this lovey-dovey business.

So, people of the world, here I am with an extra dose of "love" from whole Digital Decatron family. To be fair, I am not directly involved in the dating vibe. I am going with the flow right now and like always I am passionately in love with music. My music is my first love, as it always makes me happy. As everyone is talking so much about love so why should I stop. So, let's discuss a bit about my love story, my musical story.

Since I was little kid, I simply loved music. I used to listen to my mom singing lullaby to me, and since then I fell in love with music. Music has always been my backbone and lifesaver, whenever I was stuck in despair it sheltered me in the most delicate way. Since then I got attached to music.
My main musical journey begins after I got out from high school. Afer facing lots of rejection I was completely clueless about what to do. Then I thought, why not "music", that time it was like a ray of hope at the end of the dark tunnel.

With help of few friends and acquaintances, I started my musical journey. Well!! even though it is not a very easy job, quite a rocky road to be fair. But, I find happiness in it. I am interested in every kind of music, but I consider electronic and rap music as my genre.
Only, a few years ago my friend introduced me to the software FL studio, and since then my life turned around. I fall in love with music more deeply. I started experimenting with music beat, analyzed it and recreated it. As time passed by, my understanding grew more and more, and I became more aware of the technicalities of electronic music and beats. People say, with this modernization the taste of music and art is getting destroyed. But I completely disagree with that, music is syncing perfectly along with the modern age. And it should be like this, or else in no time, the whole music thing will get outdated. 

In electronic music, the most favorite element for me is "bass". Bass is the lowest part of the harmony in a musical composition. For centuries we all shared a similar response to low-frequency sound regardless of our particular preference in music.We, humans, are deeply rooted in rhythm even before being born.

Everybody response and relates to music on a different level. Never the less, everybody response and relates to music as it is a universal force.
So, from this, you might have got the idea that how insanely I am in love with music. And this valentine day I am celebrating by making more music and hanging out with friends, because who can forget friends. They are your real wellwishers.

That was my thoughts on the Valentine Day that is coming soon. I know I am quite late for my post and I am truly sorry for that. Ok guys, till then bye, it's time for me to "sign out" from Digital DecatronYou can follow us on Facebook to see further info. 


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