Art is a form of Hidden Pain By Katherine Lightwood

Art is a form of Hidden Pain

By Katherine Lightwood

Plato once said that he found joy in such pain and to treat it as a gift.

"Madness provided it comes as a gift of heaven, is the channel by which we receive the greatest blessing. Madness comes from god whereas sober sense is merely human."

Why a person become an artist? Although I am not a right person to answer that question nor I am an artist but I think I have a rough idea who becomes one. I can be very wrong but I just want to share my perspective.

A few years ago, I watched a movie about a famous artist Vincent Van Gogh played by famous actor Benedict Cumberbatch. The movie was very amazing but it impacted me in a very dark away. At first, I had no idea about art and why all artists are so strange in a certain way. But as I learned more about the art, it just broke my heart. What I learned that every art no matter what it is, arise from some kind of pain and confusion, just like a rose from a thorn tree.

Van Gogh was a pioneer in the field of art but his life was a huge tragedy. He suffered from mental illness and extreme poverty. Traveling from place to place in search of inspiration of his art made him a vagabond. And at last, he committed suicide by shooting himself. Throughout his lifetime, no one appreciated his art, everyone considered him as a freak. But he was given a great honor long years after he died. And I have seen this common trend among literally in every artist. Somewhere in their art there lies a hidden pain that they can't express and people fell in love with its beauty. I don't know how to feel about it, I am very confused right now. I try to draw some sketches in my free time if I get any and I can only draw something when I am heartbroken or something attracts me so much that I get totally smitten by its beauty. Or else I can't even draw a straight line.

All I know that art is a way of expressing emotions, and sadness is a pretty intense emotion.
Ernest Hemmingway and Beethoven- The idea of the tortured artist is as old as art itself. But is there a link between mental illness and creativity. There is no shortage of myths and stories of artist brooding moodily in front of a canvas, musicians turning for the bottle for comfort, or writer's ending their own life.

Even some research studies show that the brain acts in similar ways on being creative and when mentally ill. It's like creativity and madness are on a spectrum. With creativity somewhere in the middle and delusion and madness on the other hand. While considering more possibilities certainly lead to greater creativity so does dwelling on a single problem.   

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood            


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