How Hawking Inspired Me By Katherine Lightwood

How Hawking Inspired Me

By Katherine Lightwood

As everyone surrounding me in enjoying the delight of their daily work, my heart mourns in the loss of a famous physicist Stephen Hawking who just passed away. Although, I am not very shocked as I am well aware of the deteriorating health of this famous professor but my heart still aches for the loss of this great mind.

But the day will pass like always, the sun will set and the moon will rise, but somehow in the whole universe will lament as it had lost a gem who had the capability to solve at least some of its mysteries. Ok, now might be I am thinking too much about his demise, but today I want to share some of my thoughts about him. What was his impact on my life? A life of an insignificant little girl, who is bewitched by the beauties of the universe and its complexities.

I came to know about this great mind at a pretty young age. I used to go to long night walks with my dad when I was about five years old. Under the starlight night sky, hopping into my father's back I relentlessly watched the night sky. Sometimes it's magnificent beauty used to bring tears to my eyes. I was not like other kids who stubbornly asked their parents to bring stars and moon for them. I was more into realism and thanks to my father.

At the early edge of five and six, he told me about stars how it is formed, PULSERS and QUASAR, black holes and what not. Mesmerised by all those facts of the universe my childish mind was completely spellbound. As my curiosity raised I asked my dad how these stars were discovered and who actually came to know about them first. Then my dad told me about these great minds, Albert Einstein, S. Chandrashekhar, and Stephen Hawking. I was more curious about Stephen Hawking when I learnt that he couldn't even move but he still contributed so much in the field if Astronomy and Astrophysics.

As I started to grow up, I gathered articles from newspapers and magazines to know more about him and his condition. And as I started to know more about him, I was wonderstruck by his capabilities and mind power. Because of these famous minds, I got very interested in learning more about Astronomy and Quantum physics. When I was in 10th grade I once got a chance to fetch a copy of his famous book 'The Brief History Of Time'. And that book was something I always wanted, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

It inspired me so much that even such a painful disability couldn't stop this man to think beyond the realms of earth and universe. A year ago I also got a chance to see his famous biopic movie "Theory of Everything", and it completely moved me. His plight, the desire to get up from his wheelchair and solve these complex equation with his own hands. It felt like he was caged in his own body and he wanted to fly. He has a soul of a child and anyone could see this in his eyes. Whenever I watched any of his interviews or documentaries I always kept staring into his eyes as it was filled with millions of unanswered questions. Although my soul aches in his demise, somewhere in my mind I am relieved as I have a hope that now he could be free from his cage that bounded his soul for such a long time. May his soul rest in peace.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page and facebook page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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