Psychological Abuse Is Like Coal Fire By Katherine Lightwood

Psychological Abuse Is Like Coal Fire

By Katherine Lightwood

A kid with low self-esteem issues sitting at the back of the classroom, a kid who has severe trust issues that you sometimes gets annoyed with, kids who are overly cynical and a bully...

Have you ever got a chance to face these kids or you are being one of them? We quickly get very annoyed when we see such kind of behavior in children or adults, but have you ever wondered what would be their backstory, what had made them this way.

Well, there's a saying that only your 'loved ones' can break you. And that's so true my friends. Today, I am talking about a very serious topic which we rarely shed light on "Psychological Abuse". The never-ending doubt in yourself, always thinking you are not good enough and "I am the problem", all these emotional self-harm could be a sign of emotional abuse. 

There are no laws against it, no billboards on the side of the highway. And its the most challenging and prevalent form of child abuse and neglect. So, why aren't we addressing this issue with same fervency we give to other more visible kinds of abuse? And part if that may be a simple lack of awareness.

Children who are emotionally abused or neglected can develop similar and sometimes worse mental health problems than kids who are sexually or physically abused.
Maltreatment, in this case, could be defined as either abuse or neglect inflicted by a caretaker so things like bullying, threats, severe insults, isolation etc. Children who are victims of this phycological maltreatment suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal tendencies. Especially worrisome is the fact that, of the three kinds of abuse phycological maltreatment specifically has the highest association with depression, anxiety, attachment issues and substance abuse.

There are no physical wounds associated with phycological abuse. And emotional abuse doesn't carry the same social taboo as physical and sexual abuse, even though it's equally, if not more, damaging to a child's mental health.

A person who faced a lot of psychological abuse as a child can be an abuser himself or herself. And it's a chain reaction. As a parent, they will abuse their child and the circle will go on and on. This kind of abuse can break you in such a way that it might get impossible to recover from it, as you don't have anyone with whom you can share. The constant guilt may tear you apart. Children of these parents grow up 'broken' and sometimes lack a healthy mental state. They are rejected by society and also their own family and hence end up taking their life.

I know, I am getting too cynical, and it may seem I am blaming all the parents of the world or something. But guys, think about this what it may affect your kids or any person who breaks you like this. Words matter so much and like knives, it can also take life. And this is the true example of this proverb. I am really sorry if the blog is getting negative, but I think this is something we should all focus on. Our primary goal should be to implement more public awareness initiatives to help people understand how harmful physiological maltreatment is for children and young adults.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood                     


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