Suffering is Salvation By Katherine Lightwood

Suffering is Salvation

By Katherine Lightwood

Today I have a question for you, a strange one as always and it is,

"Why bad things, happen to good people?"

And this is the question mankind has been asking since the beginning of the recorded history. And today, an insignificant little girl of a freakishly low IQ will try to make you understand that. And I am sorry it might hurt some of your feelings.

So, I am going, to begin with, a story of a man called 'Anonymous'. Let's not give him any name because I will get into trouble. So, this man is a Jew living in Nazi Germany. And at some point in his life, the political climate of his country turned in such a way that he and many of the people like him were swept up out of there homes, removed from their family and were separated. And all that which they build up in their life including their material wealth were swept away, sold and burnt. They were forced to live among strangers in concentration camps. It was stipping of their dignity and humanity.

Now, this might be a sad depressing situation for everyone who hears this story. And out of empathy, you might be saying it is evil in this good world. It's a bad thing happening to seemingly good people.But you see, you are seeing this in your perspective.

Let me change this scenario into that 'anonymous' guy's perspective. That guy is weak, lack of any food, surrounded by people like him, living his life like others. And once in three days, he gets food as a bowl of hot water and some potatoes floating in it. And in this condition of destitute one day, he gets a bit more potatoes in his bowl. Do you know what his reaction would be like? He will be in the seventh heaven, bursting out with laughter and joy. For him, that time life will be great. He might be thanking God for this heavenly meal on this cold winter morning.

And if we see that scene, what will be our reaction? We will be like, what the hell!! Why that guy deserves so much punishment and so much suffering? This isn't fair, for us this is evil. But a simple change in perspective changes the whole scenario. And that is so strange. We live in a very strange world, sometimes caged in our own perspective. We tag ourselves and others as good and bad, when in fact there is no tag, no definition. This caged perception is made by our biased thinking.

The wise men say 'Everything is not what it seems' and I think this is the best quote to put this in this scenario. There are countless 'anonymous' out there which we think are suffering. Even though they are, but maybe not in that way we think it is. You see, if we are born on this earth we all have to suffer. Suffering teaches us things about life, it makes us experienced and helps us to cope with further suffering if there is any.

Learning is always a painful process, and no matter how you put it, this will be the truth. We came to this earth to learn, and with learning comes suffering. And if you think why bad stuff is happening to good people, then pull yourself together when I say this fact out loud, bad stuff happens to everyone. Some show it, some don't and some blame it on others. So, my friends, be positive and when you are suffering remember life is teaching you a lesson. You just have to open your eyes and see.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood                    


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