Alzheimer's Disease is A Complete Nightmare By Katherine Lightwood

Alzheimer's Disease is A Complete Nightmare

By Katherine Lightwood  

If you have a watch or a clock nearby, take a look at its hour hand. It moves completing a trip all the way around twice a day. Its motion is too slow to see but try to really look at it.

Well!! If this watch is the milky way that would be about how far we've traveled in our solar system around our galaxy since the invention of humanity, since the beginning of our history. It's a very small distance completely unnoticeable. For most of humanity's existence, there haven't been writings, physical recording or events or ideas.

Today, of course, we have writing and many different ways to physically store data. We even now have digital ones but before writing was invented all humans had was biological storage, only memories. There was no Wikipedia, no phone book or no library. But there were old peoples, and they had experienced the most, heard the most things, had the most thoughts even today with all the stuff around the oldest among us remain the libraries of things that physical and digital libraries either don't, haven't been or can't yet chronicle.

Aeschylus famously said that memory is the mother of wisdom. But like all storage formats, individuals don't last forever. And they can forget, which involves 'Dementia' which is a decline in cognitive skills used to perform everyday activities. 60 to 80 percent of dementia patients are Alzheimer's. The disease is associated with plaques and tangles in the brain, changes accompanied by damage to the brain cells and their death. The older the person is, the more likely they are to develop Alzheimer's. But Alzheimer's is not a part of normal aging. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include a decrease in the ability to think and remember and confusion about time and place. New difficulties in speaking and writing, changes in mood and personalities. As we fight against other diseases and live longer lives Alzheimer's looms on the horizon as if waiting for us to pass the test of other challenges.  I don't know what is it causing its massive increase.

And if you wonder why this disease inflicts so much fear in me. It is because you will lose all your memories gradually, and that makes me scared. All I have is memories which I can say is 'mine', which no one can take away from me except this situation.  Memories build a person and shape us in a way.  No matter our memories are the best or worst but sometimes it's can become our only reason to live and our strength to survive. People, places, and things may leave us but no one and nothing can snatch our memories. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood         


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