Brave By Katherine Lightwood


By Katherine Lightwood

This poem I wrote for everyone who suffers from social anxiety and depression. It's a very serious problem which is often misunderstood and is not recognized. Hope, the world gets better as the time passes by.

Scared of the disordered world you were, stealing your glances,
Are you lost, seems like you are stuck in deviant trances.

The fast-paced world this is, I know it's tough to keep up,
But hold on love, don't always be like water filled in a cup.

The world will break you burn you, tear apart your heart wide open,
Let your tears flow like fiery falls, it's not a mark of you being broken.

You were misleading yourself when you said you were a crack in the castle of glass,
Castle of mirages surrounds you; you are stuck in illusion sweet lonely lass.

It hurts I know when this heartless world makes you feel unwelcome,
Time will build a thick skin around you, saving you from this pandemonium.

So ingenious you are, agitated by the idea of being stuck in the mud,
But don't you know, the lore of victory always written in tears and blood?

You said you couldn't find your forte, is it correct?
Can't you see the epitome of hidden talent you are, what more could you expect.

Born with a mighty heart, face the world and fight like a warrior,
Don't be ashamed of your fear my dear, don't let it be a barrier.

You have to be strong enough, beat all these adverse storms and wave,
You don't know your strength yet my love, don't ever be frightened to be brave.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood 


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