Power Of Gratitude By Katherine Lightwood

Power Of Gratitude

By Katherine Lightwood

Today, I was reading an article of Entrepreneur daily on my phone after coming from my shift. And it was so amazing. It was about 18 ways to calm down when you're stressed. As I started reading it, I came up with a word called 'gratitude'. Even though it's quite a common word but in our practical life we hardly ever use it. Swayed away by the pace of life we generally tend to forget little thing and the great things in general that people in our life do for us. We blindly run in the rat race of achieving the success that we stop living our life and thanking people who do so much for us. So, I will start my list of gratitude by thanking few people in my life because of whom I am still alive and is living.

Without any doubt, my Mom and Dad. They are the most beautiful people I have ever met. I am not saying this because I am biased but I am saying this from a third person's perspective. They are struggling day and night and their only goal is to make our life better. Even though they sometimes they get lost in translation and lose their sense of rationality but like I always say 'motives are much worthy than outcomes'. But because of them, I got to see this world, met with amazing souls and had some precious experiences. I haven't done anything for them and 'sorry' doesn't even come close to my level of shame for this.But, rest is passed. Now, I am trying hard to repent my ways.

After my mom and dad, it's my teacher. He is the first person who showed faith in me and made me believe that I too matter in this world. He made me believe I too had a 'voice' and I too can make change for good. He gave me a fresh perspective on life and the way to live it. He had given me a passion, a higher purpose, which I can look up to when I am feeling low and unwelcomed in this world. No matter how big adversities are, he taught me to be calm like an ocean and learn from it. He taught me to be positive in a very unusual way when I hated every positive thought. He enlightened me with his immense knowledge and creativity and shaped me the person I am today. I don't want to exaggerate here but it's true he made me a fighter from a well-defined loser. He inspired me to go beyond my horizons and explore the endless sea of creativity which I never thought was possible.

Now, sometimes when people of the world praise me for being 'Creative', I silently bow my head down and remember the teachings of this great soul who helped in every way to make these artworks possible. A year ago, at this same time, I was cursing my life that it is such a hell. But now, I am overjoyed that I have such people in my life who still believe that I am not a 'crack in the glass'. I am so blessed that they find time for me to answer my stupid mundane questions, solve my senseless queries and show me so much compassion and care. And thank you every other soul who met me and taught me about life.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood 


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