The concept of Parallel Universes By Katherine Lightwood

The concept of Parallel Universes

By Katherine Lightwood

When I am not insane, I consider myself to be a very rational and scientifically minded human being. And as a result, I find myself believing in some scientific theories that when I say them out loud kind of make me sound like I am insane.

Ok, I will try to convince you with some of them and please bear with me if you if you are into complex physics things and nerdy stuff. So here we go!! In our own universe, there's a person identical to you, identical to this one on a planet and in a solar system that is exactly same as the one that we are in. And there are not only one of its carbon copies but there is an infinite number of them throughout our universe.

And let's imagine a hypothetical situation. Imagine a man who has 100 different shirts, 250 different ties and just two pairs of trousers leaving him with possible 50000 different unique outfit combinations. However, if we are to imagine that example man was immortal and that we never bought any other clothes in his life, we can accept I think that eventually, he would have to start repeating his outfit combinations.

And from here my friends everything starts to get crazy. I and you and everything in our entire universe are made up of combinations of different types of particles. And those particular combinations of these different particles can make up anything from the simplest hydrogen gases floating around the universe to the incredibly complicated neurological system that make up our brains and our memories and in turn us as an individual. And that is what our science tells us. The sheer number of possible combinations that these particles can make is so big that I am not going to bother trying to figure out what that number is.

However, because there is an only certain number of different types of particles that means the number of different combinations those particles can make is finite. Meaning just like our 'example man' if you give the universe enough space it will start to repeat itself.  And it just so happens that the prevailing scientific theory at that moment is that the universe is infinitely big.

So, if that's true, that means that the universe has to have repeated itself, which means that there has to be an infinite number of different copies of me and you and our planets scattered throughout the cosmos.

And I know how absurd this idea sounds, but I know that it comes from a place of observing our universe and making a logical conclusion about it. And it is not a fanciful thinking, it is rational thinking.

I have seen many TV shows which portray this idea of 'Parallel Universe' like Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and many more. This idea is crazy and that's why I love it.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood                


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