The Most Brightest Cosmic Gift for Us By Katherine Lightwood

The Most Brightest Cosmic Gift for Us

By Katherine Lightwood

This symbol commonly called Yin Yang is a diagram symbolizing the supreme ultimate. The principle of Yin and Yang, opposites existing in harmony is associated with existing Chinese philosophy.

But the very first use of iconography, the classic symbol actually comes from a shield pattern used by the ancient Romans seven hundred years before its first known use in China. The connection between the two has yet to be found.

Regardless of who came up with it first, the symbol was a bright idea. Speaking about that, what is the brightest object in the entire universe?
Well, technically it would be Apparent Magnitude.Commonly used when stargazing and refers to how bright an object appears to us, say when looking up from the world.

Magnitudes are logarithmic and arranged like golf, where a smaller number means a greater brightness. But here I am wondering about absolute magnitude. A measure of how bright things all over the universe near and far would be if we look at them from the same distance. And absolute magnitude will guide us to the most blinding thing in the universe. Irrespective of it looking faint to us here on earth, just because it's far away.

The difference is significant. A one hundred power light bulb placed closer than 8 cms of our eyes will appear brighter than the sun in the sky. But that's not fair. If you could see the sun and the bulb from the same distance the sun will be a septillion times brighter. But here the problem is that our sun shines punily compared to the rest of the cosmos. And if you could line up the sun with everything out there in the cosmos giving every star and the cosmological phenomenon a fair chance, the sun's absolute magnitude will be 4.8, not bad. But another star called  R136a, although the nuclear-powered beast isn't the brightest star in terms of volume, it is 256 times more massive than our sun. It is the most massive star ever found and it's also the brightest. Remember as I've discussed above the stars with lower absolute magnitude are brighter and this star's absolute magnitude is -12.6. It means it is 8.7 million times brighter than our own sun.

When a giant star dies it explodes violently and what is known as a Supernova Explosion. And this supernova can eject terrifying flashes of radiation known as a gamma-ray burst. And it is arguably the brightest electromagnetic events in the universe.

At night, artificial lights allow us to see what's around us but we lose what's above us. The brightest things in the universe, quasars are caused by the darkest things in the universe the black holes. The process that unshackles the most light is caused by the thing that best imprisons it.   

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood 


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