Machine Learning is Just Awesome By Katherine Lightwood

Machine Learning is Just Awesome

By Katherine Lightwood

I was always curious about the whole artificial intelligence concept and coding. although, I didn't pursue any academic course over this subject. I and my good friend Praveen always talk about the new advancement in these fields. And to my understanding, the starting point or the core of making an AI is "Machine Learning".

So, it's quite difficult to understand what machine learning is in a quite concrete manner.

Well, as per my understanding goes, it is all about learning from examples rather than writing the manual rules. So, the short way of saying that is in regular programming you write a lot of manual rules to solve a problem. And in machine learning, you let those algorithm find rules for you. So, it's like pattern matching, visual or any other patterns that are hidden in the data. Therefore the beauty of machine learning is that an algorithm that learns patterns from data, can solve thousands of different problems.

For example, if you write a python programme to recognize digits, your programme is hard coded to recognize digits. But if I write an algorithm to learn pattern from data, I can use that for speech recognition, image recognition, medicine etc. So, basically, anything that you can start with an example.

And that's really special and hugely profound thing for this modern society.
From detecting skin cancer to sorting fruits, to detecting escalators in need of repair machine learning has granted computer systems with entirely new abilities.

The world is filled with data and a lot of data, picture, music, words, spreadsheets, videos and many more. And trust me it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon. Machine learning brings the promise of deriving meaning from all that data.

Machine learning is the use of tools and technology that you can utilize to answer the questions with your data.
The value of machine learning is just beginning to show itself.  There is a lot of data generated not only by people but also by computers, smartphones, and other devices. And this will only continue to grow in years to come. Traditionally humans have analyzed data in the adapted system to changes in the data pattern.

However, as the volume of data surpasses the ability of humans to make sense of it and manually write those rule, we will turn increasingly to systems that can learn from data and most importantly the changes in data to adapt to a shifting landscape.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood   



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