My ‘mind over matter’ is failing By Katherine Lightwood

My ‘mind over matter’ is failing

By Katherine Lightwood

Here’s the thing with me lately. I think I am having some serious olfactory hallucination. Now, some of you might not get what I am trying to tell you. But let me explain it to you what’s that exactly is. Olfactory means related to smell and hallucination means illusion or experiencing something which is not there.

So in my case, I am experiencing a very strange smell for a quite brief amount of time in a day. Well!! I don’t know if it’s really there or not but I am getting it. And whenever I get a sniff of that smell I get nostalgic, emotional, freaked out, nervous and what not. And this thing, ‘the mind over matter’ starts to fail.

It feels like there’s a great mystery in that smell. It seems like it is something ancient as if someone is telling a story of a forgotten worrier who never came home. This smell feels like as if it is painting a landscape in my mind, a very familiar one which is so close to my heart which is close to what I can call a home. Now, the smell is something you can’t imagine even if I explain it to you because of our mind things in images. So, explaining a smell is out of the question.

But even though all these I will try to explain it in my own way to see if it helps. This smells starts with a slight smell of sea salt and moves to a darker and stronger zone of ancient books and newspapers. Then at some point after losing into nothingness and again peaks up at itself like a sweet smell of ripe orange. So soft, so mellow and after a while it gets broad as if it’s blue in color. Just like a vast ocean, a never-ending serenity. Then it gets lost like it will never come back again. After it’s gone I feel so helpless, so alone I am surrounded by hundreds of people. I start to lose myself in the crowd. It feels like as if I am snatched out of angel’s blessings or some kind of protective spell.

And I know it’s very weird to explain a smell in that way and I am completely aware of this fact. But no one will ever understand how this smell affects me. It shook me from the core. And I have no idea what is the origin of this smell or anything.

I used to be very good with mind over matter kind of situation. But this thing, this hallucination is completely betraying me. Now, my willpower is getting stronger and weaker at the same time and I don’t know what will be its consequence because every way it’s painful, to breathe, to hold it, or to let it out. I am really sorry that this blog is full of weirdness. But, there are something’s I need to let it out before I get completely insane.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood         


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