My Own Introvert Problems By Katherine Lightwood

My Own Introvert Problems

By Katherine Lightwood

Ok!! Here’s the thing, most of the people I meet usually complain me that ‘why do I think so much’ or ‘don’t overthink, it’s bad’. I am so pissed off by this idea that I can’t even describe. Now, here’s my question ‘how much thinking is actually over thinking’? I often get caught up in this idea and it often causes me a great deal of physical and mental pain.

Some time ago when I didn’t know much about these obsessive thoughts, I considered myself a ‘freak show’. And then my teacher introduced a word in my mind ‘Introvert’. And from there, I got some of the answers to my unanswered questions. So, people of the world allow me to tell you a bit about what an introvert is or what exactly is introversion in pure layman’s language. 

Introverts are the ones who seek their energy from solitude. They thrive in loneliness. When others are busy in social functions like parties and gatherings, an introvert will probably be enjoying a good book or playing video games.

This big world is definitely suited for success if you are an extroverted person and I know this, accept this, and got to work with this. But there is definitely some stuff that introverts have to deal with that’s difficult, awkward, inconvenient and many more that I have lost my count. And on this list, the first one is three person’s conversation. And these are just worst ever that I can ever imagine. For me, one on one conversation is so ok. I will talk about your feelings, my feelings and whatever stuffs you want to talk about and it would never be a problem. But when it comes to a third person, I fail. 

Because what usually ends up happening is that the two other people end up holding the conversation and kind of leading I along and you’re kind of just third wheel. And anytime when you have something to say you’ll try to say it but they will keep talking and ignoring you so you‘re kind of just stuck there in that awkward place.

The second thing is answering the question ’Why you’re so quite’? And oh my god!! Whenever anyone asks me that question I want to set the fire in their head, shove them inside the earth alive and say ‘why you are so freaking loud’? I mean how I can make them understand it feels so nice not to talk to each other. Instead of saying anyone ‘Hi, how are you today and blah blah blah… I just like to look at them and smile, that’s it. Talking and social interaction is nerve wrecking for me.

And the third most hideous thing is eating in front of others. And oh boy!!  I can’t describe you how paralyzed I get when anyone invites me to eat with them especially my colleagues. And if ever any teacher joins us them I simply forget how to swallow. And that’s more an anxiety problem rather than introversion. And that’s how I quickly get off topic.

So, you get the basics. They are probably the mysterious and attractive ones or boring and psycho ones. And I am very much like the second option. There you go, I opened horizons of my mind. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood     


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