My Understanding of how Universe will end? By Katherine Lightwood

My Understanding of how Universe will end?

By Katherine Lightwood

We have a pretty good idea that how and when our universe began. As for how it’s going to end, there are quite a lot of theories…!!

Well, Fellas!! As I am very sad without any specific reasons so that’s why I am here to talk about some pretty grim stuff and what could be grimmer than the end of the universe itself.  So, no universe, no misery, I mean just kidding… Of course, but let’s take out my negative energy out in a constructive way.

When Edwin Hubble looked at the night sky in 1923, he discovered that the universe is much bigger than our milky way. There were actually metric oodles of galaxies all over the place. Then again in 1929, because he wasn’t done being a science boss, Hubble also noticed that the majority of galaxies are speeding away from us.

So, logically then, if go back on the time, everything must have been smashed together in a singularity at one point. And with all that phenomenal cosmic power in an itty-bitty living space, it blew right up in the greatest firework display of the last 13.8 billion years. As you can imagine this great discovery was a “game changer”.

At first, it was thought that there were two possibilities. If the universe has enough stuff in it, gravity will slow the expansion and eventually it will collapse into a singularity. And who knows maybe another big bang. It’s wonderful and completely makes sense…Or is it!!

Unfortunately, our dear universe doesn’t play by rules …just like me!! So, there’s another possibility. 

The universe isn’t just expanding…it’s accelerating.  And what’s driving the acceleration? Guess what … we have no idea. Oh man… Sometimes I relate so much to the universe. It’s progressively getting wreaked and has no future. Space geek and the biggest pessimist… Oh…!! I am so easily getting off topic. 

Therefore scientist’s best guess is a mysterious unexplained energy called ‘Dark Energy’. So, as the time passed after goggles of years the “Entropy” will spread energy uniformly across the universe and it won’t be possible to do literally anything. This kind of death is called “The Heat Death” of the universe or the big “Freeze” and looks like we are headed that way.

So, I don’t know how pretty that scene would be but only time will tell. We all will be there watching that cosmic destruction in one way or other. Because we too are a source of energy and energy can’t be destroyed. Well!! I know it’s not very relatable but it is a way of thinking.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood  


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