What we exactly mean by" Intelligent Species" on Other Planets By Katherine Lightwood

What we exactly mean by" Intelligent Species" on Other Planets

By Katherine Lightwood

I always have a fascination with the world outside this planet. I was always curious about what was up in the sky beyond the solar system. In the stars, inside the black hole. How do white dwarf and red giant stars look like with naked eyes? I was never satiated with mindless pictures that are used all over the globe which is generally described as "artists' Impression" of Space. I mean what the hell!! Where is the real stuff?

Anyways, as I grew up I started reading more and more about the outer space and came to know about the possibilities of life forms on other planets. I made me wonder that scientists are searching for 'intelligent life forms'. But what if a planet doesn't have one and it might be full of creatures like dinosaurs? So, here's my question for today.

If you would rank, plants, animals, and whales based on their intelligence, who would win the most intelligent species on earth award? For me, it's chimpanzee because they are quite close to humans.

One of the biggest questions humans have ever asked is 'Are we alone in the universe'?
There is a field of science dedicated to this question known as 'The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence' or SETI. In order for SETI scientists to do their job, they had to agree on what makes a certain life intelligent, so that they would know what to look for.

SETI scientists came to the consensus that intelligence is associated with the ability to create Technology. Some of our best technology emit radio waves, so SETI has concentrated their work on searching for radio waves in the universe. But if we are only searching for life like us, we may be overlooking species that are intelligent in other ways.

There are many different species of intelligent life on our planet. For example, plants. That may sound ridiculous. But if you grade intelligence based on a spesis communication system and their ability to populate a planet then plants would be considered by many scientists as an intelligent species.

The universe may just be filled with intelligent animals, and we might never know it. SETI couldn't find them because they don't create radio wave emitting technology. But maybe in the future, we will think of a better way to search for all possible life forms of intelligent life.

But for now, we'll have to stick to the kind of aliens that act like us.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood      


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