My Triumph is Becoming My Agitation By Katherine Lightwood

My Triumph is Becoming My Agitation

By Katherine Lightwood

Behold Wanderer!! My heart says, take a breath and let it out,
My mind says the wind will hear the thought of your breath if you sigh that aloud.
So, I held my painful breath within my heart with the shackles of modesty,
Couldn't let my mask fall, couldn't let thought disappoint my dynasty.
Now my long-held breath is killing my soul and wounding my heart in return.
Pieces of my broken heart are teaching me something which I didn't want to learn.

A facade of triumph has been bestowed upon my dark mask,
Its weight is breaking my bones, leaving me alone, I have nobody to ask.
I saw and I heard about my countrymen lament upon my forged perfection,
Tounge tied was I, standing paralyzed, thinking about my sinful revelation.
Thinking about my heinous thoughts, I shivered in pain and despair,
So, thought to shut my mouth as my thoughts are beyond repair.

Now a heavyweight of forged triumph I carry along with the pain of a broken heart,
What a menacing felony I have done, my heart is in shackles and my soul can't depart.
So, I walk with a torn mask and a paralyzing fear of people seeing my bare thought,
I know about the repercussions of my sins and the pain that I will rot.
Is it the truth or a walk down the memory lane or just the usual regression,
I am tired and I watching the time when my triumph is becoming my agitation.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood  


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