Reasons We haven't found aliens yet (My Perspective) By Katherine Lightwood

Reasons We haven't found aliens yet (My Perspective)

By Katherine Lightwood

Have you ever wondered why don't we see alien civilization?
The 'Kepler Space Observatory' has told us there are a couple of hundred billion nice watery planets in the Milkey Way and probably millions of them are Earth-sized planets around sun-sized stars. Many of them have been around long enough to produce a civilization that would have easily colonized the entire galaxy by now.

This genuine oddity is referred to as the Fermi Paradox and the resolution for it has to be that there's some sought of great filter that either makes the intelligent life extremely rare on the first place. Or that wipes out essentially all advanced civilizations before they get to the galactic empire stage. Whether it can be by nuclear war or environmental catastrophe, accidentally making a black hole that swallows the planet etc.

Personally speaking, I am not buying it. I just don't think that there's just an inevitable great filter still ahead of us.

There's a deeply sad and deeply inspiring possibility. Humanity may be one of the very fast interstellar species in the history of the galaxy. But before I get all 'emo', at first science this right.

Scientists have new evidence that one element, in particular, may be essential in creating life. And it would be pretty scarce in the rest of the universe. So are we really all alone out there in our blue dot.

There are a handful of chemical elements that are the primary building blocks of most life on earth. And some of the big once are oxygen. carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Those fore are few of the so-called 'bulk'  elements that make up our muscles and organs and that we need to consume a lot to stay alive. But another element phosphorous also has an essential task. It's the additional piece that makes our DNA and RNA (our genetic makeup in inside which the rest of our existence is encoded) and our ATP, which is how we store and use energy.

So, Phosphorus is necessary to create and sustain almost all life as we know it. We've always thought that we are pretty darn lucky because we've phosphorus. But here's a question again that comes in my mind at last. What if there exist other kinds of life? What if there's life out there that uses the elements we know of in vastly different ways and doesn't need DNA because it's a life structure we can't even comprehend? And the worst case scenario if there are elements we haven't even discovered out there in the universe creating a life that we have no idea how to picture. And these are just possibilities. 

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood    


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