The 'Dark Space' is not really By Dark Katherine Lightwood

The 'Dark Space' is not really Dark

By Katherine Lightwood

If you've learned one awesome thing about astronomy and the massiveness of the universe, it's probably that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, space itself is expanding and our observable universe at 93 billion lightyears across is accelerating in its expansion, such that someday all the object in the universe might actually fly apart and never to return

But the second thing you might have learned about is the " Hubble's Deep Field" and let me tell you (especially the non-nerds) that what an awesomeness it is.

In 1995 scientist choose the darkest patch of the night sky and focussed the Hubble Space Telescope there for 10 consecutive days. The patch was only 2.5 arc minutes across. (If you have any doubt about arc minutes then please google it before you get too confused). Bottom line the area of the Hubble Deep field is tiny.

They took this piece of the night sky and focussed the Hubble on it for total 100 hours. And you can imagine what a risk that was for the astronomers. Time on the Hubble is extremely competitive, and no one knew if they would find anything interesting in such a tiny dark piece of the sky. Well!! This is the image they came up with: 

See, all those dots, most of them are galaxies. This image was the first to look back at the oldest galaxies in the universe. In doing so we've learned so much about the universe that the scientist decided to do it again with Hubble Deep field South, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, and the Hubble Extreme Deep Field.  

And Oh my gosh!! Everywhere there is 'beauty'...!!

And this reminded me of a Carl Sagan quote

"The Universe is a pretty big place. If it is just us seems like an awful waste of space."   

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood  


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