The Nightmare of a Quiet Person By Katherine Lightwood

The Nightmare of a Quiet Person

By Katherine Lightwood

A few days ago I was quietly writing something that my boss has told me to while sitting on a chair beside her. My mind fully emerged on that subject. I was concentrating hard to get my thoughts out. Suddenly, my boss said something that knocked me out of my concentration zone. "Why are you sad today? Something happened? I am there for you if you need to talk".

For a few seconds, I was totally blank and as I gathered my senses I started thinking how will I answer her question. Because first of all, I was far beyond 'Sad' and second even if I was, it is impossible for me to "talk to somebody like my boss about any adverse issue I am facing".

And that, my friends, is a very good example of a nightmare in a day of a quite or introverted person. I mean at that time my thoughts were fully concentrated on that subject she was talking about. And what I was supposed to say about that "Mam, I need to hallucinate about your experiences so that I could write"? Like, come'on...No one says that. So, to blend in perfectly and to save my weird thoughts I simply smiled at her saying "EVERYTHING IS FINE".

Introverted people are someone who's thoughts are mostly inward, they project their thought nonverbally. They are not good at expressing their emotions and they are THINKERS. And that is the thing I am very very good at or rather say only that I am very good at.

As a reserved and quiet person, I struggle a lot to blend myself with the 'EXTROVERTED folks'. Unfortunately, a large part of our society is extroverted and being quite among them is equal to a being locked in a torture chamber. A few days ago when I was feeling a bit down, I was sitting quietly and drawing something.

A classmate of mine walked in and started discussing her problems with me like what she did when some guest came to visit her, stories about her dog, her love for chocolates and blah blah blah... I was feeling like my head will explode in any second. But like every quite person I nodded pretending to listen to her and smiled occasionally to give an illusion that I am so interested in listening to her'. And like this, nearly everyone comes to me and speaks their heart out and I rarely have any interest in any of their talks. sometimes I try to understand them and sometimes I try to ignore them. But sadly, I silently fight with the demons of my mind while fixing others issues and listening to them. It's a good thing, I am becoming mentally strong (maybe).

But the worst thing is that when I had difficulties speaking when I was supposed to speak. I simply get tongue-tied when I wanted to say something really really important. But you know every personality types have their ups and downs. And I totally get that.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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