What I think of 'Higher Power' By Katherine Lightwood

What I think of 'Higher Power'

By Katherine Lightwood

I've struggled with religion over the years. I was raised as a Hindu. After my grandmother died a few years ago, I became a fully fledged ATHIEST.  Then, I discovered something spiritual called 'Swedenborgian Christianity' which did answer some of my angry questions.

And finally, I am settled on being agnostic.

From my experience, spirituality is something my generation doesn't really look at. We don't really question it. We are not encouraged to meditate, and when we try to... Holy, mother of Hashtag, it's hard. I am also not a big fan of organized religion. I don't understand how we can have 'one size fit all book of rules' for all the humanity and we can claim to know where we go after we die when we can't even explain the phenomenon that happens in the subatomic level. 

So, should I believe in God? And if so which one should I believe in? 
Should I believe in the traditional western version of God where he is this omnipotent dude who sits in the sky and watches every sinful thing that I do? 

And I want to believe that there is God out there who is looking out for me and everyone else. But when I really think about all the horrible things that happen on earth- I just can't believe it. Is there a higher power out there that guides us through the Universe or are we all connected somehow? Is there any kind of divine energy flowing through.

I would really like to believe that but don't get me wrong to each their own. But if a religion resonates with you and if it makes you wanna be a better person then absolutely follow it. But I am just saying we should all come to our own conclusion based on our own life experiences and find a spirituality that really rings true for us.

For me, my beliefs have been kind of fluid and evolving throughout my life and maybe it will continue like this.
I can't believe in things random people preach to me and what I've never experienced. I am a person with a bit of scientific and logical mind.

So, believing this supernatural stuff is kind of 'impossible' for me. I might have offended some of you folks out there by talking about such sensitive topics. But let me just tell you that it's absolutely and 100% my perception.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood   


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