Cool Stuff inside Large Hadron Collider By Katherine Lightwood

Cool Stuff inside Large Hadron Collider

By Katherine Lightwood 

Today I was very very angry with myself, for many reasons and silly reasons. Not here to complain but a funny thing happened. As I was in the climax of my anger I imagined a situation. What if I lock everyone inside the large hadron collider and switch on the machine. What will happen then? Well!! the answer might be very straightforward that they will die. But how exactly? Will they vaporize or a bit more fun thing, will they turn into someone from DC Characters like Flash or Firestorm... Well!! that would be super cool ...But that's not the reality.

So, Large Hadron Collider...quite fancy thing it is...!! Approximately eight years ago scientists used the most complicated machines ever to solve one of the greatest puzzles to vex the human race. And then they went "What if we kicked it up a notch...?"  The large hadron collider smashed the headlines when it confirmed the existence of Higgs Boson. This was a huge news in the world of particle physics because the discovery solved a few things...I mean problems.

As we understand it there are subatomic particles that carry the fundamental forces (except gravity as far as we know) called bosons. And in order for the math to work the Bosons should be massless. And actually, scientists observed some of them and found that certain kinds of bosons indeed have mass.

To solve the problem it was proposed by Peter Higgs (my favorite physicist) and other researchers in 60's that a field existed everywhere all the time and moving through this field give bosons and other particles their mass. The math predicted that if the field was excited by high energy collisions then you could jiggle the field in just the right way to briefly spring another particle together and the particle is what we call Higgs Boson.

But those mad scientists weren't content to dust off their hands on lab coats and call it a day. They decided to build a 27-kilometer underground loop of supercooled magnets and tubes and cameras of 5 stories high so that they could picture the protons smashing together at nearly the speed of light. And they did it with no guarantee that the Higgs boson could be found or even existed at all. See... folks that's the power of love and trust between the scientists and Higgs Boson. And this 'Love' led them to the discovery of the God Particle or "Higgs Boson".

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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