Everything Changes By Katherine Lightwood

Everything Changes

By Katherine Lightwood

Lately, I am having lots of thoughts about 'changes', in general. How everything changes, How I've changed, how the world has changed, and the possibilities of other changes that might happen in the future. Everything changes, roads can become highways, oceans can become deserts and cities can become memories. And I've always been very afraid of 'change'. But I realize, now,  that change is just a part of life.

Because of my extreme fear of change, I made many false strategies that I couldn't follow, made many relations with people I didn't like and did much worse things that I've hated, only because I was scared that it will change me, distort me just like I've dreamt in my worst nightmares. But the things that were destined will happen no matter what you do. And I've learned it in a very very hard way. Raised by very strict parents with very strict rules and morals, I had a very strong dislike of making mistakes. I was told that if I do certain things or divert slightly from the lines and boundaries that were drawn for me then I will fail miserably.

Since I was a very young child, I've heard tales about the those who had dared to defy those boundaries and how they had been devoured by the tragedies of life itself. So, in my young years, I was forced to follow the rules and in my adulthood, I am afraid to break them again. I was told that changes occur when you lose and there's no looking back when you started to lose. You will go downhill until you pay the price for it. But nobody ever told me that I have a fair chance to lose even if  I follow every rule religiously. Therefore, I had a big mid-life crisis. I had misunderstandings, I made countless mistakes and I've hurt a lot of people and most importantly myself just to break free from the chain of senseless rules I was following.

And finally, when I did break out from those rusted shackles of rules, I saw a very different face of life. I can't describe if it was ugly, exquisite, wonderful or bizarre. But one word I want to say, that is quite close to my observation is that it is 'confusing'. As more and more time is passing by and I am seeing different things, all I am getting is life doesn't play by any rules. Nothing is permanent and you just have to get used to stuff if you don't like something. You can't run away from your worst fear. It will haunt you until you've experienced it, in one way or another. If you make a mindset and think that certain things that you hate will never come in your way and you will be untouched by those things then my dear, you will live in your worst nightmare. Because things will come and get you, no matter how much you cry and yell.

Once I have read about a monk who said, if you are scared of something and want to avoid it then you have to fully dive into it, go through it and understand it. Only then you can avoid it and overcome it. And if you keep it hanging then it will become your worst fear. And personally speaking, I have lots of experience with these kinds of situations.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood     


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