My Dreamland By Katherine Lightwood

My Dreamland

By Katherine Lightwood

There's a land beyond the bright orchards and trees,
Away from the silver heaven away from the abyss.
Where the day starts with the golden rays of morning sun,
And through the meadows, the moonlight often run.
Where the night twinkles with those fancy starlight,
Where fireflies will hug you even in these dark sleepless nights.

There are rainbows at night that will color your soul,
Faires will sing to you even in the night that is dark as coal.
When the world is still burning in the fumes of anarchy,
Well!! That world is my happy place and I have its key.
It's hidden away far from the bedlam and chaos,
Where no one is the conquer and no one is the boss.

It's my world and it's my paradise, it's the world I want,
My lord just listen to my wish, if only this chance you could grant.
No matter even if I walk alone in the timeless plot of tragedy,
This land and its memory could only be my perfect melody.
So, I've set foot on that world to make my dream come true.

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood


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