Signs of Toxic Relationships (Friendships) By Katherine Lightwood

Signs of Toxic Relationships (Friendships)

By Katherine Lightwood

Little did everyone know, but I have quite a good experience with "Toxic Relationships". And today I am sharing with you some tips and tricks on how to identify a toxic relationship, especially friendship.
So, what is a toxic friendship?
It is a relationship where you are being mistreated by someone that you call a friend. And this mistreatment is often so subtle that it's not always easy to identify right away. And, if you are an introvert by any chance then my friend you are a magnet of a toxic relationship. Sad it might sound but it's true because introverts are not very good at expressing their feeling. So, when you will be bullied in any form then it will take a lot of time to raise your voice and until then the damage will be done.

Here, I am describing three signs of you could be in a toxic relationship. By the way, they are from my personal experiences. So, could be unrelated to your experiences.

Number One: You feel emotionally drained and depleted after spending time with this person. Friendships are supposed to about give and take. So, if you feel that the majority of your time spend together is spend talking about them, their problems, their life, their job etc and they rarely ask about you then it's a clear sign of one-sided relationship. It's wonderful to be there for your friend, to give them loving advice, to help them when needed. But to spend years like this can be very taxing on you emotionally. If it's always one way, then you have to ask yourself how do you feel about that. Do you feel exhausted, drained, annoyed or sad? Do you often find that you end up talking about the same negative things together, repetitive, gossipy conversations on loop? You become like the people you spend most of the time with. If that's the case then quickly walk out from that relationship.

Number Two: They are resentful of your happiness. And this one is quite easy to identify. If you don't feel comfortable sharing the quality of good news with your friend because you think that they will judge you or find something to pick apart or criticize or somehow turn your good news into negative then it's a clear indication that someone is resentful and even jealous of your success and happiness.
But this doesn't make them a bad person because they are doing it unintentionally and doing out of their own insecurities. But you don't need to stick around and be the recipient of all these behaviors. You need to walk away.

Number three: You feel overly self-conscious of yourself when you are around them. You feel judged, shamed, picked on or even there's an unspoken competition going on between you two. He/she is very critical of your choices. It might start out with playful things like making fun of what you are doing but you will feel that it is more than joking and you actually start to feel that there's more truth to it.

So, you need to set some boundaries and if the water is getting over the head then WALK AWAY... my friend...!!   

So, that was my thought of the day. To see more posts like this make sure to visit our main page. And Do not forget to visit our institute's page to know more about graphic design, 3D, animation courses and other awesome stuff. Till then good day to you.

Katherine Lightwood 


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