
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Grieving of Light By Katherine Lightwood

The Grieving of Light By Katherine Lightwood Sitting with the light, I lurked in its eye, With melancholy face, it turned away with a sigh. Far from the chaos, far from the fight. A tear trickled down the face, it was of the light. I asked for the reason, I asked for the cry, Shying away from my gaze and told me just a lie. I hold its hand and gazed through its soul, It was missing the darkness that was black as coal. Shocked with the horror I started to tremble, The darkness was within the light, it was not a fable. Then the light walked away from my sight, Once thought darkness was just, not quite right. It was like a movie, it was like a song, Saw the unison of light and darkness, but not for quite long. The darkness of mine was grieving from inside. My heart was tearing apart, my fate was yet to decide. Then again a tear trickled down my face, and it was not of the light. My mind was caged in the chaos, I am losing the fight. Katherine Lightwood 

Letters from an ink heart By Katherine Lightwood

Letter from an ink heart By Katherine Lightwood After a long while, a very long while... I am writing again. With a heart filled with invalid emotions, thoughts, ideas that are not fit to present in this world. That is not worthy to expose... Sentences with grammatical errors, that has unspoken and forbidden feelings wrapped around it. Sentences that people around me don't get, sentences that are rejected... Sorry for being loopy. But what exactly are valid feelings? What are "bold" emotions...? What are thoughts that are called "right" in this world...? What is "right ", what is "wrong"...?  The world itself says nothing is "right " and nothing is "wrong "...but the naysayers ... why the world itself has become a naysayer...? They say when you go through "fire" you become a "piece of gold"...but they never say that some burn and become ashes... Pure black ash, that mixes up with earth or